The competition in the world of sports is immense. Best-in-class training equipment, innovative rehabilitation exercises, sports psychology — these methods have become the norm and don’t guarantee success any more. In a bid for prestigious titles and fame, individual athletes and teams should look for new ways of optimizing their tactics and bolstering performance. And technology is stepping in to help them achieve new heights.

Smart shoes and insoles for speed measuring and posture correction, smartwatches and intelligent sensors for activity and health monitoring — the beauty of IoT solutions lies in data analytics that allows all stakeholders to be on the same visual page. However, if you want to take sports intelligence up a notch, combine sensors with a trailblazing video analysis. We’re sure this success formula will help you boost your winning chances.

Video analysis strategy planning: Whats and hows

The more video materials you have, the deeper player performance analysis will be, so use footage from matches as well as warm-ups and training sessions. Besides implementing simple stadium cameras, use drone technology. Aerial perspectives will help you find new angles and thoroughly analyze any activity.

Video analysis strategy planning

Footage capture from aerial perspectives

You can also capitalize on our sports video analysis software to compile action-filled video recaps of sets, games, halves, practice drills, and more — featuring the whole team or a particular player. This groundbreaking solution leverages human-like machine learning to deeply process footage, spot actions of interest, and generate highlights for further analysis.

When it comes to gauging particular performance indicators, remember that measuring for the sake of measuring isn’t the right approach. Think of relevant metrics depending on the sports type and don’t ignore aspects like angles or velocity split.

Video analytics as an ace card in upgrading player skills

Sometimes a particular shot or a slight difference in player physical conditions can totally change the match outcome, and understanding what was that game breaker will put you ahead of the pack.

Build advanced video analysis software that will help you reveal what exactly was happening after a particular change in an athlete’s physical conditions, for example, when the heart rate spiked, body temperature elevated, or blood pressure dropped. Underpinned by the results of a deep footage analysis, you’ll also be able to understand the impact of certain shots, passes, as well as angle or speed changes and find the ways of improving athlete performance.

Athlete performance video analysis

Athlete performance analysis

Besides assessing the nature of turning moments, video analysis in sports is ready to unfold its wings in identifying player habits and effectively correcting those that hamper success. For example, it might turn out that in 90% of cases when your tennis player serves flat to the second half on breakpoints, they lose the game. Or, when nervous, your goalkeeper always safeguards the right part of the net during a penalty and in most cases misses a goal.

You can also build trust in a video analysis app to identify any performance gaps and start developing the skills that are key to clinching more victories in the sports you’re in, whether it’s tennis, golf, or soccer. Among those skills are reverse forehands, backspin shots, dribblings, topspin volleys, wrist shots, birdies, takeoffs, acceleration, and more.

Leverage our in-house video analytics tool

Get into the ins and outs of your team’s performance with cutting-edge video analysis software. At Global Software & Consultants, we build trailblazing systems that put coaches and sports managers ahead of the game. Capitalize on our proprietary solution and OTT services

Speaking the language of video to enhance game tactics

Building effective game strategies for a particular match has never been a walk in the park for coaches. And sometimes IoT data featuring key performance metrics is not enough. Fortunately, sophisticated video analytics swoops in with the promise to relieve the strain.

Examine footage by footage to spot the situations that occur frequently in the course of the game and accurately assess their efficiency. This way, you will not only understand the nature of ineffective performance patterns and apply the relevant corrective actions, but also boost those tactics that contribute to small and big wins.

Of course, it’s key to focus on the capabilities of your own athletes when developing tactical moves. However, don’t underestimate the power of rival analytics. As you can’t equip your opponents with sensors and smartwatches to track their performance in real time, an extensive video analysis can become your silver bullet.

Sports intelligence reporting

Sports intelligence reporting

Scrutinize rival tactics that led to considerable advantage in a particular match, check what was made in response to your new strategy, and analyze rivals’ emotions and their impact on the game. All this valuable information will help you accordingly tweak your tactics, giving you a leg up as the game unfolds.

Improving player health with video data at hand

A healthy player is half the battle, but making sure your team is in perfect physical conditions is not as easy as it seems. Of course, video analytics is not a magic wand, but it can empower you to explore the problem with proper lenses.

Dive deep into video footage to understand how your athletes feel during matches, warm-ups, and training sessions. As one wrong step might lead to a serious lesion, pay attention to the way they do a particular exercise or train some difficult shots. Human vision is limited, so a machine-based post-processing is a must in revealing all possible inconsistencies. As of sprinters, it can be mistakes in femur split angles, stride length and frequency, knee lift, or heel drop. And tennis players might easily get injured due to the wrong serve angle or too long gliding on the court surface.

Improving player health

Athlete health analytics

Video analytics will also help you prevent poor athlete performance by detecting any deviations from their normal training. A player unconsciously changes some routine exercises or increases the intensity of the workout at the wrong time — an AI-powered coach assistant won’t let you miss a thing.

But if it turns out that one of your players got injured, a comprehensive video analysis will not only help you find the exact reason for that, but will also be instrumental in gauging the accuracy of doing all recovery exercises — for accelerated rehabilitation.

Where do we go from there?

To secure more victories, you should be in the loop about the most effective coaching methods and tools. Experts in online video and business intelligence, we’re here to help you with that. Leverage our competence to build an innovative video analytics system and use it to revamp your team’s performance. With valuable data in place, you’ll be able to thoroughly analyze player skills, efforts, and health as well as assess the capabilities of your rivals.

Build video analytics software

Start reaping the benefits of a comprehensive team performance analysis now. Contact us to discuss the details.