Healthcare Mobile App Development

We are now used to managing many aspects of our lives with the help of specialized apps. It’s fast, it’s convenient, and it’s easy to learn for anyone who has a good grasp of how a smartphone works.

Reaching patients with a custom healthcare app is a great way to foster engagement and deliver medical services with a personal touch. At the same time, mobile opens countless opportunities to automate daily routines for clinical staff and increase their efficiency.

Your Benefits

Mobility for Personnel

mHealth apps can be tailored to any kind of mobile device and workflow within your organization. Enable your nurses, doctors, and non-medical staff to access and edit EHR records during rounds, look up multi-drug interactions, and keep up with the schedule on the go.

Independence for Patients

The ability to complete health-related tasks independently is the main draw of mHealth, especially for rural and bedridden patients. Features like scheduling, real-time physician availability, video consults, and online Rx refills save time and eliminate the need to travel.

Technological Innovation

Staying on top of new tech means staying competitive. Leverage our medical app development services to explore the benefits of mobile AR. The possibilities are endless — from teaching interns on interactive 3D anatomical models to virtual surgery.

Better Patient Involvement

The patient’s commitment makes the difference between recuperation and complication. Promote positive outcomes by pushing health recommendations directly to their mobile screens, or let patients update their records and track progress on the way to pre-set goals.

Enhanced Decision-Making

Integration with the rest of your Health IT (such as EHR, telehealth, or PHM) elevates mHealth apps from mobile assistants to sources of analyzable health data. Further down the line, this translates into more accurate predictions and better decision-making.

Brand Reputation Perks

Branded healthcare apps go a long way in marketing your service and ensuring patient retention. At the same time, features like in-app ratings and online review management will help track your performance and prompt your staff to act in time to keep patient satisfaction high.

Our Clients

Our mobile developers build consumer and enterprise mHealth applications to serve every purpose in the clinical setting and beyond.

  • Hospitals
  • Health systems
  • Outpatient care
  • Pharmacies
  • Laboratories
  • Private practices
  • Telehealth providers
  • Corporate health

Uncover the Potential of Mobile Health

In healthcare, small screens can help accomplish big things. Reach out to our Health IT team to work out a viable mHealth strategy for your needs and capabilities and match your ideas with the best of mobile technology.

Why Global Software & Consultants

Healthcare Domain Knowledge

Our experience in the Health IT domain spans EHR and EMR systems, all flavors of telehealth, PHM platforms, and medical billing. We deliver mHealth apps with futu­re integrations in mind so you don’t have to worry about compatibility.

Extensive Mobile UX Expertise

In the development of a mobile healthcare app, usability is of utmost importance. We make great UX our top priority to deliver multi-screen solutions that are intuitive and easy to master regardless of the user’s background.

100% Transparency and Security

With or without a BYOD policy, mobile devices present unique risks for PHI. We help providers stay compliant with health data privacy standards like HIPAA and imple­ment SSO, biometric authentica­tion, and multi-factor authentica­tion to keep important data safe.

Uncover the Potential of Mobile Health

In healthcare, small screens can help accomplish big things. Reach out to our Health IT team to work out a viable mHealth strategy for your needs and capabilities and match your ideas with the best of mobile technology.