End-to-end quality assurance

Boost the quality of your online video solution by leveraging our comprehensive approach to QA throughout the entire OTT lifecycle. From designing a winning QA strategy and performing various testing types to managed QA services — we can take full responsibility for your product and process quality — on project, program, and enterprise levels.

Boosting commercial opportunities

Create recurring revenue streams with subscription-based, transactional, or ad-supported monetization. Leverage our next-gen AI-powered analytics to find the model that works best for your audience to maximize returns.

End-to-end video delivery

We are in the loop about the specifics of your key OTT workflows and know how to improve them for increased business value.


Make the most of our technical excellence

Capitalize on our knowledge around live streaming, VoD, CDN, second screening, DRM, smart TV, and content orchestration to stand out in the crowded OTT market.

Resilient architectures

Tap into our software architecture competence to design robust and highly performant backends. Our architects implement built-in redundancy and dynamic load balancing to deliver dependable solutions at scale.

Performance engineering

With us, performance is never an afterthought. Every system is meticulously architectured for superior speed, reliability, and scalability. We perform rigorous load testing to make sure your video solution is able to support millions of concurrent viewers.

Multi-CDN approach

Streamline video delivery and reduce latency by connecting your viewers to the nearest CDN. Benefit from our multi-CDN delivery expertise to automatically optimize content performance and reduce TCO.

Technology partners

Drive maximum value from partner integrations to enhance your online video solution with mission-critical functionality in a fraction of time.


Kaltura • Brightcove • Vimond


DoubleClick • YuMe • SpotX • Tremor Video • LiveRail • Adap.tv • FreeWheel


Widevine • FairPlay • PlayReady • Verimatrix


NPAW • comScore • Nielsen • Broadpeak • Akamai • Sisense • Google Analytics • Crashlytics


Adyen • Stripe • Braintree • Cleeng • Vindicia


FFmpeg • GStreamer • AWS Elemental • Zencoder • Harmonic • Envivio • Vantage


Video.js • ExoPlayer • AVPlayer • JW Player • THEOplayer • Kaltura • Brightcove • Ooyala


Amazon CloudFront • Akamai • Limelight Networks • Broadpeak • LeaseWeb • Tata • Streamroot • System73 • Cedexis

Build a robust online video platform

We are here to help you succeed in the competitive OTT landscape. Contact us, and an online video expert will suggest the optimal solution to your particular business needs.