Join Forces With a Trusted Ruby on Rails Development Company

Ruby on Rails is an open source web application framework that provides a diverse toolset for building complex solutions at a rapid pace. The maturity and flexibility of Rails allows thousands of companies — including digital giants like Github, Hulu, and Airbnb — to build robust and highly scalable applications.

As a Ruby on Rails development company, Global Software & Consultants has accumulated years of relevant experience by delivering robust, scalable solutions in a cost-effective way.

Our Ruby on Rails Development Team

We offer a close-knit team of T-shaped Ruby developers ready to wield the entire RoR stack and create tangible value for your business.

Full-stack experts

Each of our Rails developers has a solid grasp of frontend and backend tech, from databases to JavaScript frameworks. Senior developers are well-versed in design patterns, code reviews, and DevOps.

Agile delivery

Scrum is our go-to methodology for RoR outsourcing. Over the years, Global Software & Consultants built a mature Scrum process helping teams kick-start projects, adjust to scope changes, and keep all stakeholders in the loop.

Fluent communication

Our team is a group of like-minded Ruby geeks that finish each other’s sentences. No language barriers or timezone troubles: we are great communicators who adjust to your workflow, at your pace.

Robust CI and CD

Fast and secure CI and CD pipelines are a staple of our Rails projects. To keep up with aggressive release schedules without going off budget or compromising quality, our team fully automates integration and delivery of every build.

Quality-first approach

We work to maintain the highest possible level of code quality in a number of ways, such as regular code reviews, linting with tools like Rubocop, adhering to the Ruby on Rails style guide, and more.

Team development

Besides high entry barriers for new recruits, we put an emphasis on mentoring and knowledge sharing within the company. All team members contribute to multiple projects on Github and regularly attend RoR developer workshops and hackathons.

Key Ruby on Rails Development Services

We help our clients apply the RoR stack at scale to accomplish business strategy milestones and stay on top of their competition.


Ruby on Rails Consulting

Don’t worry if you don’t have a step-by-step strategy for starting or updating your Ruby on Rails project. Before major decisions can be made, our business analysts and tech experts will sit down with you to discuss the details of your operations, existing pain points, and the changes you want to see.

We use in-depth insights to propose the optimal ways to achieve your goals — from high-level design suggestions to the exact software tools you’ll need.

MVP Development

MVP Development for Startups

Global Software & Consultants is well-acquainted with the tough requirements that startups have to face to get off the ground. That’s why we recommend Ruby on Rails as the best framework for developing MVPs. Multiple ready-made modules and built-in dev tools help RoR teams go from POC to MVP in a very short time, while keeping system flexible enough to allow future adjustments, modifications, or tweaks.

In addition, we use the DRY (don’t repeat yourself) principle whenever possible to cut expenses and developer time — via reusable code.

Solutions for Enterprises

End-to-End RoR Solutions for Enterprises

Global Software & Consultants applies Ruby on Rails in developing enterprise-level systems for team collaboration, enterprise content management, MAM orchestration, CRM, learning management, marketing automation, and other intricate workflows. Pairing the stable, well-documented Rails framework with a microservices architecture allows us to tackle complex business logic and ensure scalability.

On long-term projects with multiple iterations, we streamline onboarding and facilitate post-deployment support by writing well-structured, readable RoR code.

Web API Development

Web API Development

Whether you need to smooth out communication between system modules or make sure your app can easily interact with third-party services, it’s a smart choice to hire Ruby on Rails developers for the task.

Our team applies RoR’s rich toolset to build custom internal and external APIs — including web API endpoints for mobile apps — with a focus on consistency, security, backward compatibility, and ease of maintenance.


Testing and QA

On an average RoR project, we achieve 85% codebase coverage with unit and integration tests, quickly reaching a consistently high level of quality.

Our developers use RoR’s built-in mechanisms to write low-level test cases and cover every pull request with tests. As part of our best practices, the team also follows TDD and BDD principles using frameworks like Minitest, RSpec, and Capybara.

Resource-intensive projects with frequent releases can leverage Global Software & Consultants’s own test automation framework — on its own or as part of a CD pipeline — to reduce time to market and mitigate bug-fixing costs.

Code Audit and Refactoring

Rails Code Audit and Refactoring

Global Software & Consultants provides code audit services for companies that find their Rails projects plagued by design flaws, security vulnerabilities, code smells, and other issues.

We use static code analysis tools as well as reviews by tech leads to determine the root causes of every problem and propose relevant measures, be it redesign, code refactoring, test automation, CI or CD implementation, or something else — helping you drive the project to successful completion.

Key Technology Competence

We combine RoR’s ever-expanding toolset with other powerful techs to create the optimal stack for every project.


Ruby on Rails • Hanami • Sinatra • Grape • Trailblazer

Content Management Systems

Radiant CMS • Adva CMS • Casein CMS • BrowserCMS • Refinery CMS


Oracle • MSSQL • MySQL • PostgreSQL • Amazon RDS • H2


MongoDB • Apache CouchDB • Apache Cassandra • Amazon DynamoDB • Firebase • Neo4j • HBase


Memcached • Redis • Amazon ElastiCache


Sphinx • Solr • Apache Lucene • Elasticsearch • Amazon CloudSearch


RabbitMQ • Sidekiq • Resque • Que • MSMQ


RSpec • Minitest • Capybara • Selenium • PhantomJS

Hire Committed Ruby on Rails Developers

If you love Ruby on Rails as much as we do, we’d be happy to hear from you! Send us a message describing the vision for your next project and one of our RoR experts will contact you as soon as possible.