Tailored IoT solutions for healthcare providers

We lend our expertise to help healthcare providers of every specialization and caliber design innovative IoT solutions and enhance legacy systems to take advantage of IoT.

Health data collection and analytics

Quickly and efficiently, collect more health-related data than ever before to enrich the health profiles of your patients. Apply sophisticated tools to process the information and generate deep insights into health outcomes on individual or population level.

  • Fast and easy health data exchange
  • Large-scale data collection via web, mobile, consumer wearables, and medical devices
  • Data-driven diagnostics, including CV-assisted medical imaging
  • Inpatient monitoring (smart BP cuffs, glucometers, holters, etc.)
  • Remote patient monitoring (RPM)
  • IoT solutions for population health management (PHM)
  • Patient-generated data solutions and mHealth apps (Google Fit, Apple HealthKit)

Disease management

Improve the quality of life for chronic patients by streamlining medication dispensation and coordinating complex therapy plans. Enable outpatients and personnel to keep track of vital health parameters in real-time, discover trends, and get intelligent alerts about emerging health problems in advance.

  • Mobile-optimized medication and procedure reminders
  • Effective chronic disease management via smart health monitoring
  • RFID- and biometrics-based drug access control
  • Automated e-prescription management
  • Smart hubs to aggregate, preprocess and push data to the cloud

Rehabilitation programs

Leverage cutting-edge devices and software to bring patients back to health at their own pace, be it a stroke or a grave sports injury. Evaluate the physical and mental state of the patient based on continuous data input and devise a strategy that can help them achieve an optimal rehabilitation outcome.

  • Collecting and analyzing readings from sources including motion sensors, blood sugar sensors, heart rate and respiratory sensors, etc.
  • Adjusting recovery plans based on real-time user feedback (pain, discomfort, etc.)
  • Remote consultations to enhance accessibility and availability for patients
  • Future-proof highly interoperable rehabilitation solutions based on BioAPI
  • VR and AR-enabled recovery and treatment
  • AI-driven movement data analysis
  • Smart physical rehabilitation equipment (smart clothes, smart crutches, smart training mats, etc.)

Hospital automation

Boost productivity and improve your service by automating your organization’s workflows and managing medical facilities more efficiently. Reduce the risk of human error in medical laboratories and provide for a smooth transition of data and assets between departments along every patient’s care journey.

  • Convenient and secure access to full patient data on web, mobile, and wearables
  • Predictive maintenance of medical equipment
  • Precise asset tracking and reporting
  • Automated remote management of resources
  • Smart climate systems in labs, smart lighting, smart wards
  • Efficient resource consumption to minimize TCO

Tap into IoT to enable better outcomes across the entire care journey

We seamlessly connect internal hospital systems, patient homes, IoT devices, and IoT software to streamline healthcare workflows and help you deliver value for improved health outcomes.

Building enterprise-grade IoT solutions


Flawless connectivity

  • Integrating communication modules with medical devices
  • A variety of network protocols, including Bluetooth LE, Zigbee, WiFi, LoRaWAN, MQTT, etc.
  • Extended wireless mesh networks for large-scale facilities
  • Easy-to-use RFID tags for inventory control and personnel management
  • Ultra wideband (UWB) technology for remote monitoring of health parameters and precise indoor positioning
  • GPS positioning for patient and asset location
UI and UX design

Industry-specific UI and UX design

  • Medical specialization-focused UX and UI
  • Clean, uncluttered interfaces designed for efficiency
  • Implementation of voice, haptics, and gesture control
  • Disability-conscious design for patient-facing systems
  • Meticulous usability testing
Health data security

Robust health data security

  • Fault-tolerant system architectures
  • Enterprise-grade SSL/TLS encryption of data in motion and securing data at rest (AES-256 or better)
  • Secured and fail-safe over-the-air firmware updates
  • Multi-factor authentication using biometrics
  • Fine-grained user roles and permissions for hospital staff
  • Comprehensive security and penetration testing

Regulation compliance

  • Privacy-driven system design
  • Streaming data to the cloud via protected gateways
  • Strict compliance with healthcare industry standards (HIPAA, HITECH, SSAE, FDA regulations, etc.)
  • Complete data flow transparency
  • Enhancing systems to ensure GDPR compliance


  • Legacy network architecture analysis and consulting to ensure IoT scalability
  • Integrating cloud and hybrid storage for optimal reliability
  • On-demand access to storage space and computational power
  • Scalability-driven architecture design
  • Designing and implementing HIPAA-compliant data storage
  • Machine learning solutions tailored for mobile device capabilities
  • Seamless integration with MLaaS providers for cloud computing
Quality assurance

Quality assurance

  • Hardware-software compatibility testing
  • Usability and connectivity testing
  • Product quality control
Data analytics

Powerful data analytics

  • Analyzing large volumes of unstructured data from a range of sources
  • Real-time analytics for fact-based diagnostics
  • Interactive dashboards accessible to non-tech users
  • Sophisticated reporting with actionable health data insights
  • Predictive analytics for medical equipment maintenance
  • Remote patient monitoring with real-time alerts
  • Mobile-optimized analytics components

Why partner with us

Healthcare domain expertise

Our team leverages years of experience in the medical field. From EHR system development to telehealth to population health management solutions, we know how to help healthcare providers reach their goals through digital.

T-shaped talent

We hire top UX designers, system integrators, QA engineers, data scientists, and cloud architects with deep specialized skills and a good grasp of adjacent disciplines. This gives us an ability to form strong multi-talented teams perfectly suited to solve your business challenges.

Innovation-driven development

Thanks to a proactive R&D approach, we can offer business-critical solutions that get the job done with the latest and sharpest tools available, including machine learning-supported computer vision, big data, VR and AR, and artificial intelligence.

Explore connected care capabilities with IoT techs

Drop us a line describing the challenges your healthcare organization is facing to contact and IoT consulting expert.