Project overview

An advanced, premium-grade athlete assessment solution that provides all the necessary tools to collect, analyze and share quantifiable data to evaluate a person’s physical performance in professional sports environments.

By utilizing validated testing protocols, the solution enables coaches, physiotherapists and other professionals to accurately measure an athlete’s post-injury performance and make informed decisions as to whether the person can return to full participation in training and competition.

Designed from the ground up for real-time data capture and analysis, the system decodes the raw timing and stimulus data from wireless hardware, calculates key athlete performance metrics, and presents them in a user-friendly way.

The solution includes a highly polished, professional-looking Windows 8 application for end users and a web-based administrative panel for authorization and license management.

Sports and Fitness, Education
Delivery Model
Scope-driven milestone-based development
Effort and Duration
4 months, 11 man-months
.NET · C# · Windows RT · ASP.NET MVC · ASP.NET Web API · OWIN · Entity Framework · MVVM Light · Swagger UI · Castle Windsor


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