Custom computer vision solutions

Designed to give machines the ability to visually sense the world, computer vision solutions are leading the way of innovation.

From biometrics and forensics to augmented reality and industrial quality control, image recognition technology is changing the way organizations work, enabling never-before-possible efficiencies, precision, and control.

Success stories

Check out the unique business challenges we have solved for the world’s leading companies. We synergized our multi-year expertise around image recognition software to dive deep into each projects’ specifics and achieve measurable business results.

Computer vision-enabled solutions for public safety

Start your own success story

To implement сomputer vision technology without disrupting your operations, you need qualified professionals with solid domain experience. Email us your idea for a computer vision-assisted solution to receive an expert’s initial evaluation.

Key domains we serve

Tap into computer vision to revolutionize your workflow

Online video

Online video

  • Automated content QC and compliance
  • Intelligent scene-related ad placement
  • Extended metadata generation and management
  • Emotion recognition software
  • Sentiment analysis



  • Medical image analysis software
  • Precision robot surgery
  • Medical equipment QC
  • Injury prevention and rehabilitation
  • Treatment adherence monitoring


Finance and banking

  • Financial operations automation
  • High-performance cybersecurity solutions
  • Risk evaluation
  • Fraud detection and prevention

Public safety

Public safety

  • Comprehensive real-time video content analysis
  • Object detection and tracking
  • Facial recognition software
  • Person identification
  • AI-driven evidence redaction
  • Pose and behavior analysis



  • Teacher efficiency assessment
  • Student engagement evaluation and intelligent course personalization
  • Computer vision-based proctoring
  • Automated grading of homework and tests


Digital advertising

  • Visual affinity-based recommendations
  • Consumer data augmentation
  • Ad campaign plagiarism detection
  • Brand-safe content identification

Leveraging image analysis to address challenges

Workflow automation

Capitalize on our expertise in computer vision solutions to automate and streamline visual data-based workflows. Enhance clinical diagnostics, tap into cashier-less checkout experiences, automate equipment safety inspection, or bring video processing workflow orchestration to a whole new level.

Data analysis acceleration

Increase productivity by slashing media processing time. Capitalize on CV technology to implement lightning-fast face and object recognition, enable on-the-fly video processing on mobile, or detect anomalies in video streams with ease.

Bolstered security

Our computer vision solutions address diverse security challenges, including retail theft prevention, home safety, and police investigations. Improve threat detection, reduce false alarms, or automate video evidence processing to ensure utmost security of people and property.

Product feature innovation

Turbocharge your solution by adding innovative computer vision features. Keep students in check with CV-enabled exam proctoring, provide sports fans with advanced player stats, or automate industrial equipment QC.

Next-gen personalization

Reach out to millions of people with individually customized messages. Engage more viewers with precise CV-driven content recommendations and commercial offerings to dramatically reduce churn and increase ARPU.

Our ML-driven computer vision know-hows

Real-time video analysis

  • Highly performant object detection and tracking
  • As fast as 1 ms per frame video processing
  • Cutting-edge object identification
  • Real-time object attribute collection
  • Comprehensive object profile creation
  • Seamless behavior and/or action detection
  • Intuitive user-facing tools for results analysis and post-processing
  • Dealing with moving camera footage, occlusions, poor lighting conditions, and more

Performance-vs-accuracy optimization system

  • Optimal balance between image analysis accuracy and system performance
  • Frame-accurate tool to generate and compare performance-vs-accuracy data
  • Custom performance testing framework
  • Advanced ELK-based logging and fully-automatic real-time accuracy reporting

Non-supervised AI-driven content classification

  • Proprietary architectures for meta extraction and next-gen semantic analysis
  • Video clusterization and timeline segmentation
  • Identifying implicit relationships between videos
  • Automated sentiment detection
  • Substance abuse flagging
  • Fraudulent content identification

How we stand out

Proactive R&D

We constantly work on internal projects to try out new concepts and solve extraordinary challenges in a proactive way. These ready-to-use know-hows are then tapped into to effectively solve your problem, helping cut costs and minimize time-to-market.

Hands-on expertise in the video domain

Since 2005, we have accumulated profound video domain expertise, including live streaming, VoD, VR, and 360° video. These know-hows dovetail with our computer vision skills to help us deliver end-to-end solutions in verticals from sports to healthcare to adtech.

Lowering TCO and minimizing risks

Mitigate risks and allocate effort in the most effective way possible by leveraging the best methodology for the task at hand. Whether a non-standard challenge or a more typical CV integration task, our balanced engagement approach results in maximum cost and time savings.

Mature computer vision capabilities

Underpinned by continuous research and a history of successfully delivered projects, we offer highly specialized expertise in some of the most challenging fields of visual content analysis.

Image analysis

Powerful image analysis solutions

Our computer vision experts can design and develop a custom image analysis solution around your visual data-based workflows. Alternatively, we can help you seamlessly integrate third-party platforms into your business to increase performance, ensure content compliance, promote brand safety, and more.

Facial recognition

Precise facial recognition software

Our team applies the latest facial recognition know-hows to accelerate and automate a variety of tasks that were entirely in the domain of humans before, such as suspect detection or student attention monitoring. We also develop a proprietary SDK that makes it possible to tailor the recognition process to virtually any business case.

Emotion recognition

Cutting-edge emotion recognition tools

At the crossroads of computer vision and AI, we build innovative emotion recognition solutions that leverage human-like learning to unlock novel image analysis possibilities. Using our rich experience in online video and image analysis, we have developed a unique media analysis tool — a flexible content DNA framework.


Advanced biometric software solutions

Our computer vision experts build enterprise-grade biometrics solutions for a variety of clients including banks, airports, police departments, and educational institutions. We leverage best practices around voice biometrics, keystroke recognition, and fingerprint identification to address your major security needs.

Medical image analysis

Bespoke image analysis solutions for healthcare

Our computer vision engineers deliver ML-driven solutions for medical image analysis that help healthcare providers automate and accelerate the processing of CT scans, X-rays, MRIs, SPECT scans, and more to improve diagnostics and enhance treatment.

Profound knowledge of latest machine learning approaches

  • Attention models
  • Graph convolutional networks
  • Siamese networks
  • End-to-end Memory Networks
  • AutoRegressive Networks
  • Bayesian program learning
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Meta-learning
  • Metric learning
  • One-shot learning
  • Zero-shot learning
  • Deep belief learning
  • Manifold learning
  • Incremental learning
  • Population based training
  • Dynamic representation
  • Slow feature analysis

Cutting-edge tech stack

Our advanced Machine Learning and Deep Learning experience grounded on fundamental scientific research and math algorithms development is supplemented with profound knowledge of signal processing physics.

DL frameworks

Tensorflow • PyTorch • MXNet • Nvidia Caffe • Caffe2 • Chainer • Theano


Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit • Core ML • Kurento’s computer vision module


Sonnet • Tensorlfow probability • Tensor2Tensor • tf-slim


Supervised/unsupervised learning • Clustering (density-based, Hierarchical, partitioning) • Metric learning • Few-shot learning

Neural networks

CNN • RNN • Represenation learning • Manifold learning • Variational autoencoders • Bayesian networks • Autoregressive networks

Work with a top computer vision software company

Armed with a leading-edge tech stack and supported by ongoing R&D, we are ready to effectively tackle your machine vision challenges. Let’s sit down to discuss your video or image analysis needs and find the best way to lift your idea off the ground.