Implement online exam proctoring at scale

As the modern alternative to traditional test monitoring, automated proctoring allows test takers to be supervised via a webcam, a microphone, and screen access. We add deep video analysis and AI into the mix to offer you non-intrusive, scalable, and cost-efficient proctoring solutions.

Resolving key proctoring challenges with automation

Eliminate cheating

Remote proctoring software drastically improves the quality of exam monitoring by removing the possibility of human error. Every test taker is closely monitored throughout the entire exam and any sign of aberrant behavior leads to the session being red-flagged immediately.

Enhance the user experience

With automation, you can provide test-takers with a convenient and accessible proctoring experience. The lack of location and scheduling constraints and the non-intrusive nature of automated proctoring will encourage users to keep coming back to your service.

Boost capacity

Scale your business easily by serving any number of test-takers simultaneously at no additional cost. Improve the efficiency of human labor by involving live proctors to review cases of suspicious behavior rather than to monitor diligent users.

Our service offering

End-to-end solution development

We leverage our online video experience to help you develop full-blown online proctoring services. From initial business analysis to release, our experts closely cooperate with your team to ensure that the final product addresses your needs and puts you in the best position on the market.

Customization services

Whether you already operate a proctoring solution or are developing one, we can lend our expertise to adjust the features of the product to the requirements of any institution or company. Scale on demand, offer custom modules, or introduce cutting-edge technologies — we’ve got your back.

Across-the-board integrations

Enhance your offering by making your solution part of a bigger eLearning ecosystem. Integrate online exam proctoring into popular LMS (Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, and more), enterprise learning systems, and eLearning portals. Implement innovative features like wearables integration that enables the system to track movement, pulse, body temperature, and more.

Feature-rich online proctoring software

Scheduling and launch

  • Fully automated user registration
  • Cheating-resistant multi-factor identity check
  • Identity confirmation throughout the test
  • Scheduled tests or 24/7 on-demand access
  • Customizable test environments
  • Minimum equipment prerequisites

Exam monitoring

  • Tools for live proctor monitoring, flagging and intervention
  • Screen sharing
  • Browser lockdown
  • AI-based behavior analysis with flagging of suspicious behavior
  • Emotion recognition
  • Ongoing environment security checks
  • End-to-end video recording of each test-taker’s face and screen
  • Real-time admin access to exam sessions
  • Recorded proctoring

Analysis and reporting

  • Real-time incident alerts
  • Video reels with time-stamped events for immediate review
  • Post-exam report generation
  • Evidence for disciplinary action
  • GDPR, FERPA, HECVAT, COPPA, LTI compliance

Outperform human proctors with our AI-based Content DNA framework

Self-learning system

The technology uses human-like learning tech to study video recordings of exams and compilations of cheating incidents. In this way, the framework acquires the ability to recognize the signs of dishonest behavior and self-improve with every new test-taker.

Best value

By implementing Content DNA into your invigilation workflow, you can achieve 100% incident detection accuracy based solely on historical data and real-time feed processing. Get the best value approach with no third-party solution fees and no additional proctoring costs in the future.

Exclude human error and bias

Content DNA framework uses real-life exam recordings for training. Combined with minimal human involvement before and during the test, the solution helps you exclude human error and bias from flagging decisions and cuts down the number of appeals received from test takers.

Become a champion of academic integrity

Get in touch with an EdTech specialist to learn about our deep video analysis skillset and how it can help increase the dependability of your online proctoring software.