DevOps as a Service

Take advantage of Global Software & Consultants’s multi-year hands-on experience in automation and continuous delivery to optimize your infrastructure and deploy in a matter of hours, not days.

By capitalizing on our expertise in agile and scrum, we help you organize team’s resources effectively, achieve fast market feedback, and dramatically cut costs. Whether architecting an IT environment or building a fully-fledged DevOps solution from scratch — our DevOps team possesses the know-how, custom frameworks, and proven toolchains to complete the project of any complexity.

Implement DevOps to Dramatically Boost Your Project’s Efficiency

Benefit from DevOps as a Service to outstrip the competition and stay ahead of your game.

Accelerate Product Time to Market

Armed with specialized DevOps tools, our team can automate the majority of critical and time-consuming operations on your project. In our experience, leveraging DevOps to improve your operations helps halve the number of handoffs and accelerate the delivery of new products by an average of 83%.

Decrease Overall Project Costs

Standardized IT operations help to reduce your overall costs by eliminating unplanned work and urgent fire fighting on the project. Capitalize on frequent system integrations and end-to-end automated testing to detect software defects as soon as they appear. The “sooner found, sooner fixed” paradigm lowers both bug fixing and maintenance costs.

Quickly Respond to Market Changes

Stay abreast of shifting user expectations by innovating at the speed of light. Our DevOps service enables you to constantly monitor and respond to fluctuating market demand, update your existing offer, or deliver a new product in no time. We utilize continuous automation and regression testing to help you experiment and release with confidence.

Free Up Time for Creative Work

Implement DevOps service to spend 44% more of your team’s efforts on new work. Let our DevOps experts handle routine tasks like configuration management, deployment, or release orchestration — while empowering your specialists to focus on new feature development, exploratory testing, or key customer relationship management.

Integrate Security from the Beginning

Use our security-minded DevOps approach and early security tools integration to foresee potential risks and eliminate them right away. Continuous automated testing bolsters your defenses to protect users and minimize security vulnerabilities. Prevent sensitive data breaches with things like storage encryption, authentication testing, and more.

Measure DevOps ROI Efficiently

We developed a custom analytical dashboard, a 24/7 monitoring system, and visually rich productivity diagrams to ensure DevOps transparency and traceability. Measure all aspects of DevOps effectivity across 27+ accurate metrics — from deployment success rate and mean time to recover to user growth rates and recurring revenue.

Make the Most of Our All-In-One DevOps Offer

DevOps as a Service Implementation

Accelerated delivery, improved software quality, and reduced project costs are the key benefits you gain from our DevOps as a Service offering. Let us drive your project to new heights by implementing specialized DevOps services:

  • Centralized log management
  • 24/7 tracking and monitoring
  • Version management and control
  • Automated environment provisioning
  • Virtualization of data, infrastructure and services
  • Continuous configuration automation at network, server, storage and software levels
  • End-to-end infrastructure management
  • Deployment and release orchestration
  • Automated environment provisioning
  • Continuous Delivery pipeline automation and optimization
  • Test automation underpinned by our custom QA automation framework
  • Infrastructure security, including automated code quality control, penetration testing, secrets storage and more

DevOps Consulting Services

Not sure what type of DevOps solution to choose? Our all-around team of DevOps experts is capable of assessing your IT environment and drawing a clear long-term DevOps adoption roadmap. Let our DevOps consulting professionals help you:

  • Gather requirements and analyze your business goals
  • Provide you with a full IT environment audit report
  • Evaluate the reasonability of implementing DevOps at the project
  • Offer a range of suitable DevOps implementation models
  • Perform all-round DevOps maturity assessment of your current IT environment
  • Coach your in-house DevOps team
  • Estimate costs for the discussed DevOps implementation model
  • Work out custom DevOps implementation KPIs for your particular business project
  • Recommend you an appropriate DevOps toolchain (Git, Jenkins, Ansible, Kubernetes, Docker, AWS) and assist in its integration

Capitalize on Our Comprehensive DevOps Approach

Lean on the 4 cornerstones of our DevOps expertise to boost delivery, cut project costs, and enhance your customers’ satisfaction.

Achieving Synergy of DevOps Technologies

We combine our know-hows in end-to-end automation, “everything-as-code”, and continuity across the delivery cycle to cut your project costs, modernize IT infrastructure, and help you release in a blink of an eye.

Tracking and Measuring Around The Clock

Our robust monitoring system helps you to continuously measure the DevOps productivity and make data-driven adjustments accordingly. Get detailed, one-click analytical reports and be confident of your business decisions.

Taking Full Advantage of Best Practices

Capture the benefits of our profound expertise in industry-standard DevOps tools and custom automation frameworks. Integrating our tried-and-true techniques into your workflow has never been so smooth, rapid, and cost-effective.

Focusing on User Security and Protection

T-shaped skills and proven toolset enable our security experts to build bulletproof security and win users’ trust. We implement risk analysis and threat modeling to identify security flaws early on and protect your data.

Why Choose Our DevOps Team for Your Next Mission-Critical Project

Let our team of seasoned scrum masters, engineers and DevOps professionals help you optimize operations and reach your business goals smoothly.

13+ Years of Scrum and Agile Expertise

Practicing scrum and agile since day one, we are able to help you release high-quality software products in a flexible and predictable way. Our certified scrum masters take full responsibility for your project’s scheduling, costs, and quality, as well as help you with scope planning and DevOps KPI monitoring.

Custom, Modular AQA Framework

Global Software & Consultants takes pride in employing 20+ certified ISTQB automation engineers with 120+ man-years of projects under their belt. We combined their best practices, top-class automation tools, and custom features to create our own AQA framework. Thanks to its modular design, the framework smoothly integrates into your existing IT infrastructure and can be fine-tuned to meet your requirements to a T.

AWS-For-DevOps Stack Excellence

Need to maintain a high-load application? Amazon Web Services (AWS) equips us with automated tools for precise scaling and load balancing — to strike a happy medium between performance and expenses. Building a complex cloud-based solution from scratch? Tap into our AWS-for-DevOps expertise to optimize each step of your operations workflow — from infrastructure virtualization to application health monitoring.

Our Battle-Proven DevOps Toolchain

Leverage our trusted DevOps tools and exceptional skills in handling them — to accelerate delivery, dramatically optimize orchestration, and reduce TCO.

Cloud Platforms and Virtualization

Amazon Web Services • Microsoft Azure • Google Cloud Platform • Pivotal Cloud Foundry • Rackspace • OpenStack

Configuration and Infrastructure Management

Ansible • Terraform • Puppet • SaltStack • Chef


AWS CloudFormation • Kubernetes • Docker Swarm • Apache Mesos • Atlas

Continuous Integration

Jenkins • GitLab • Gradle • Bamboo • Apache Maven • Microsoft Visual Studio • Travis CI


Apache JMeter • SonarQube • ReSharper • QASymphony • Cucumber • RSpec • Selenium • Capybara • Coverity • SauceLabs • TestRail


Docker • Amazon EC2 • rkt • LXC • Vagrant

Monitoring, Alerting and Logging

AWS CloudWatch • ELK Stack • New Relic • AppDynamics • Sensu • Papertrail • Logstash


Snort • Vault • Sonatype • Veracode • Threat Stack • Sqreen


Jira • Confluence • FishEye • Crucible • HipChat • Slack • Pivotal • AgileCraft • ServiceNow • VersionOne

Artifact Management and Source Control

Artifactory • Git • Bitbucket • Mercurial • Perforce

Delegate Your IT Operations to a Reliable DevOps as a Service Partner

Let our expert team dive deep into analyzing your IT environment and get back to you with a consultation or a detailed DevOps implementation plan.