Custom Telehealth Software

Innovative telemedicine solutions to deliver the right care, at the right time

Ready access to healthcare services is an important aspect of a person’s well-being. However, all too often long distances, time constraints, disabilities, lack of available specialists, and other factors make traditional face-to-face appointments impractical and costly.

We enable healthcare providers to increase outreach and improve care via streamlined communication, efficient allocation of clinical resources, and better patient engagement.

Our Telehealth Competencies


mHealth Apps

Clinical care can only do so much — patients need to meet their physician halfway to guarantee a lasting positive outcome. Global Software & Consultants allows providers to boost engagement by reaching patients on their mobile devices with multi-purpose mHealth apps.

Give patients an easy way to make appointments, enable video calls for on-the-go consults, educate outpatients on preventive care, send out reminders to encourage treatment compliance, and conduct quick surveys to keep improving care delivery.

Real-Time Solutions

Real-Time Interactive Solutions

To make online visits as informative as face-to-face appointments, our team infuses video-based telehealth solutions with rich functionality such as file-sharing, recording, and support for connected medical devices.

Reach patients in remote locations, consult colleagues before making referrals, mentor the patient’s relatives about administering care at home — we’ll ensure the ultimate sound and picture quality to eliminate unnecessary distractions.

Store-and-Forward Solutions

Store-and-Forward Solutions

A picture can be worth a thousand words, which is especially true for evidence-based medical fields like radiology or dermatology.

Enable your staff to exchange high-resolution photos, CT scans, MRIs, X-ray images, and other non-textual PHI quickly and securely to promote team collaboration and support clinical decisions in specialty care.

Patient Monitoring

Remote Patient Monitoring Solutions

Monitoring multiple outpatients at the same time can put a significant strain on your resources. We build remote patient monitoring (RPM) solutions that combine continuous transmission of a patient’s vitals from wireless sensors with sophisticated data analysis to detect adverse trends as early as possible.

Use this approach to allow postoperative and chronic patients more autonomy while preventing unnecessary readmissions and helping doctors concentrate on cases that need immediate intervention.

Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality

As the hardware becomes more accessible, more and more providers are looking at the possibility of implementing VR-assisted methods of treatment and medical training.

Offer your patients immersive telerehabilitation for conditions from PTSD to spinal cord injury, or enable your surgeons to rehearse complex interventions with dynamic 3D models based on MRIs and CT scans.

Bringing Care Right Where Your Patients Are

When doctors are empowered to deliver personalized care beyond the hospital ward, everybody wins. Contact our tech experts to explore the opportunities of telemedicine for your practice.

Why Global Software & Consultants

RTC Domain Excellence

Feature-rich, scalable videoconferencing solutions are at the core of Global Software & Consultants’s offering. Look no further if you want to make telehealth visits a smooth, low-latency experience for everyone involved, regardless of the device.

Data Security and Privacy

Our data security experts help you ensure full compliance with the required industry standards, including HIPAA. We also develop permission systems so you can give users selective access to health and scheduling information.

Powerful Data Analytics

Using our data analytics expertise, we transform data from various telehealth solutions into visualized, structured insights to serve decision-making — from the doctor’s office to the boardroom.

Let's Talk!

Contact us today, and our telehealth experts will get back to you to discuss your telemedicine needs.