End-to-end IoT solutions for sports organizations

An award-winning IoT development company, we build innovative sports solutions, assisting you at every stage of the IoT software development lifecycle, from PCB design and hardware manufacturing to firmware development and end-user app ecosystem creation.

Make the most of sports IoT to address your major needs

Being in the loop about the major challenges imposed by the sports industry, we build mission-critical IoT solutions to drive tangible business value for your team and fans.

Boost team performance

Capitalize on our solid IoT and AI expertise to drive on- and off-the-field player intelligence, including an athlete’s fitness, strengths and weaknesses, speed, and more. Use the obtained insights to refine player health and choose the optimal tactical moves for upcoming matches.

Enhance coaching

Parse key performance metrics of your players and their rivals to build sophisticated on-field strategies and manage your team in brand new ways. Create simulated VR environments aimed at helping athletes improve their reaction, boost attacking and defensive capacity in complicated game scenarios, easily adapt to extreme weather conditions, and more.

Speed up rehabilitation

Build advanced wearable, sensor, and smart clothing solutions to monitor player health, accurately pinpoint performance limitations, and come up with the optimal rehabilitation programs. Tap into ML-driven IoT sports analytics to adjust recovery plans and reduce the risk of re-injury.

Revamp fan engagement

Bank on sports IoT to give fans an extra layer of comfort at your venue. Enable them to use their mobile and wearable devices to order food and sports-related staff right from their seats, easily find parking, get up-to-date traffic information, and more. Apply the power of proximity marketing to fuel your fans’ enthusiasm with personalized promotions.

Improve equipment maintenance

Develop a robust IoT solution to effectively monitor your sports equipment. Perform an extensive analysis of the collected sensor data, create precise records of how a particular machine has performed over a certain period of time, and make timely, informed decisions on its repair or replacement — without disrupting your team’s training process.

Dictate the game with frontline IoT solutions

Unlock a great variety of IoT applications in sports. Underpinned by solid tech skills and multi-year cross-domain expertise, we build tailored sports software solutions for athletes, fitness centers, tournament organizers, enterprises, and sports associations.

Wearable app development

  • GPS smartwatches to track and analyze sports activities such as running, swimming, weightlifting, jumping, etc.
  • Wearable devices for personal health monitoring (heart rate, blood pressure, sleep, and more)
  • Fitness apps featuring personalized workouts
  • Dieting apps with calorie analysis and customized nutrition programs
  • Yoga and meditation apps with rich video content libraries
  • Beacon apps for enhanced proximity marketing

AR and VR solutions

  • Immersive athlete training
  • Gamified VR and AR apps for fans
  • Virtual tours over sports venues and museums
  • AR and VR-based live match broadcasting
  • AR-powered ball trajectory for improved judging

Smart clothing

  • Smart shoes that measure travelling distance and speed
  • Intelligent insoles and socks for posture correction
  • Self-lacing sneakers adapting to an athlete’s feet
  • Smart T-shirts for calories tracking
  • Heating jackets with manual temperature control
  • Smart suits to track an athlete’s movements
  • Smart helmets with head injury analytics

Marry IoT with sports analytics

Overarching data mining

Tap into our big data expertise to gather mission-critical data from a slew of IoT sources — including sensors, wearables, beacons, video cameras, VR gear, etc. — and aggregate it in one manageable warehouse. To make sure the collected data is complete, clean, secure, and ready for analysis, we perform proactive data governance and quality verification.

Comprehensive data analysis

Smoothly transfer huge volumes of structured data directly to devices and apps or store it in the cloud for quick on-demand access. Leverage our solid ML knowledge to unveil never-before possible insights into player performance and health, coaching, fans behavior, equipment management, and more.

Advanced BI analytics

Our BI experts build easy-to-use admin panels and interactive cloud dashboards for enhanced visualization of your IoT sports analytics. You get full control of the entire IoT infrastructure and can access your meaningful insights via any device. Automatically generated customizable reports will help you make actionable, data-driven decisions.

Push the envelope of IoT in sports

Willing to clinch more wins and reinvent fan engagement? Contact our sports IoT experts to discuss how we can help you reach your most ambitious goals.