Unlock the power of IoT in marketing

Capitalize on the disruptive potential of IoT to revamp your marketing strategy and set your business apart from the competition. From innovative brand interactions to omnichannel real-time engagement to hyper-targeted campaigns, we help digital agencies and forward-thinking companies take full advantage of connected marketing.

Internet of Things in marketing: Reap the benefits

Integrate next-gen IoT solutions with your marketing initiatives to drive your business growth.

Expanded outreach

In an IoT-driven world, your marketing playing field becomes so much more than laptops, mobiles, and tablets. From wearables and smart watches to connected home appliances and cars — leverage new marketing avenues to reach users with the right messages on their device of choice.

Granular customer journey mapping

Leverage smart packaging and IoT-based labels to create new touchpoints throughout a user’s journey. Gain visibility into how customers are interacting with your products and align your messages with customers’ lifecycle stages.

Hyper-personalized experiences

Take full advantage of IoT-generated data to craft tailored customer experiences at scale. Collect behavioral data to offer individual premiums and deals. Combine offline data on previous purchases with proximity data to send a notification with a highly relevant offer.

Real-time engagement

Never miss a chance to strike up a meaningful conversation. Provide instant tap-and-learn functionality to tell customers a story behind your product, entice them with discounts or offer social proof. Send real-time POS notifications, customized offers, and “near me” promotions to see user engagement skyrocket.

Increased efficiency

Equip your inventory with IoT-enabled labels and RFID tags to easily manage out-of-stocks and streamline customer service. Monitor traffic and customer behavior patterns to optimize product placement and increase sales.

Stellar customer service

Let your consumers experience what true customer care is. Furnish your products with smart tags that provide useful details and visibility into a product origin while allowing buyers to instantly verify item authenticity for worry-free shopping.

Hit the marketing bull’s-eye with IoT-driven efficiencies

Turn IoT into ROI through novel branded experiences, enhanced user engagement, and hyper-targeted personalization.

Unearth the value of IoT in marketing

We excel at cutting-edge IoT technologies and connectivity protocols to help you push the digital marketing envelope.

IoT-driven product campaigns

Capitalize on IoT in marketing to drive footfall, increase sales, and grow your business. Utilize NFC-enabled posters and QR codes to tell a story behind your product, navigate users to your business location, link to a discount coupon or ratings and reviews.

IoT-fueled location intelligence

Leverage location-aware technologies to boost loyalty and exceed customers’ expectations for a stellar service. Delight your users with proximity-triggered personalized deals and lucrative offers for often-bought products, or add a bold twist and target customers at your competitors’ store.

  • BLE beacons
  • Active and passive RFID tags
  • Ultra wideband technology
  • IoT-enabled sensors

How we stand out

With top-tier IoT experts and data scientists on board, we have what it takes to address any of your challenges head-on and bring your project to fruition.

Hands-on IoT experience

From design and engineering to manufacturing and production, we cover all IoT development stages. Whether you need an industry-grade IoT sensor to track transportation conditions or a sophisticated beacon-based geofencing solution, we got your back.

Big data and BI expertise

Touted as the Holy Grail, IoT-generated data holds immense potential for digital marketing. We help you translate massive amounts of data into actionable insights to improve business agility, enhance customer experiences and boost bottom line.

Top-grade data security

When it comes to customer data protection, we leave nothing to chance. From end-to-end data encryption to secure communication protocols to proactive data governance, we help you win your users’ trust and loyalty.

Take full advantage of IoT in marketing

Expand your marketing toolset with IoT to easily funnel new customers and reward your loyal followers. Drop us a line, and our IoT marketing experts will get back to you to discuss your marketing needs and develop a tailored strategy.