Software project rescue: Tackling pain points of any severity

Legacy software

We know how to modernize mission-critical systems without disrupting your business operations. From seamless software migration and integration to customization to staff training — our software project rescue team has got you covered.

Messy or lost code

We’ll reanimate poorly written code using a set of best practices — from code review and refactoring to documentation and maintenance. To enable further solution enhancement, we can also reverse engineer the existing artifacts when the sources are missing or not available.

Lack of interoperability

We have the right software project rescue knowledge and skills to solve your interoperability challenges. Rely on our decade-long experience in API and custom connector development to easily pair up all your enterprise-grade systems — for business agility and enhanced collaboration.

Low product quality

Capitalize on our full-cycle automation testing services to get a bug-free product. Our transparent QA process will help you make sure your solution meets the most stringent requirements in terms of functionality, performance, accessibility, and more.

Inadequate security

Harness our engineering skills to conduct an accurate security assessment. From code and architecture audit to data and network analysis, we follow best practices and OWASP guidelines to detect and address security issues.

Poor scalability

Leverage our expertise in high-load architecture design and performance engineering to achieve rock-solid scalability. Make sure your solution can support a virtually infinite number of concurrent users — as your business grows.

Tap into our project rescue competence to get early value

Expert business case analysis

  • Allocating a professional team for on-site audits
  • Proactive identification of business needs
  • Root problem cause detection and analysis
  • Setting up a step-by-step recovery strategy with advanced risk management
  • Aligning with existing processes and systems for maximum value and business continuity
  • Creating a detailed project scope and work breakdown structure

Extensive source code review

  • Static code analysis using SonarQube, Veracode, and other tools
  • Dynamic analysis in a run-time environment
  • Dependency evaluation across system modules and third-party tools
  • Comprehensive code profiles featuring design flaws, security issues, and more
  • Detailed code review reports with actionable recommendations

Overarching code refactoring

  • End-to-end quality assurance, test automation and continuous delivery
  • Comprehensive unit testing
  • Establishing and maintaining сode style guidelines across teams
  • Best practices around source code workflows
  • Compliance with CISQ code quality standards
  • Expertise around a wide array of programming languages — from Java to Node.js to React

Leverage our project rescue services to enhance solution quality

Legacy solution reengineering

  • Detailed legacy system analysis
  • Nondisruptive solution re-architecturing
  • Increasing system performance and resilience
  • Ensuring solution modularity and flexibility
  • Enabling disparate system integrations via standards such as FHIR, SCORM, etc.
  • Functionality extension via APIs or custom code

Performance engineering

  • Software architecture analysis and consulting
  • High-load, fault-tolerant architecture design
  • Built-in redundancy and dynamic load balancing
  • Standard and multi CDN setups
  • ML-powered QoE and QoS analytics
  • A solid non-functional testing strategy, including load, stress, and bandwidth testing

QA and automated testing

  • A coherent enterprise-grade QA strategy
  • Web, desktop, mobile testing, and API automation
  • Dedicated testing teams with hands-on tech stack and domain knowledge
  • A custom automation framework that easily integrates into your business workflow
  • Extensive testing expertise, including functional, usability, data migration, and other testing types
  • QA reporting for 100% visibility into project rescue process results

Comprehensive security audit

  • Application and network scanning against known and unknown threats
  • Component analysis to reduce the risk of using third-party software and hardware
  • Penetration testing and ethical hacking
  • False positives prediction and minimization
  • Intelligent vulnerability analysis by security operations specialists
  • Compliance with OWASP and other standards

Professional project rescue: How we eliminate risks

Risk management

Advanced risk management

  • Optimal risk tackling strategies
  • Iterative risk evaluation and analysis
  • Straightforward risk classification and transparent documentation
  • Risk prioritization in terms of occurrence probability, severity, status, exposure, and more
  • Expert corrective action and contingency planning
  • Company-wide risk management policies
Data protection

Strong user data protection

  • Full-scale identity and access management
  • Multiple data encryption methods, including AES, 3DES, RSA, and Twofish
  • Firewall deployment and maintenance
  • Advanced data recovery capabilities
  • Compliance with industry regulations and standards like GDPR, PCI DSS, HIPAA, and more

In-depth documentation

  • SRS documentation capturing functional and non-functional requirements
  • Architecture design description
  • Detailed source code documentation
  • Help guides featuring module and system dependencies
  • Easy-to-grasp user manuals and tutorials
  • Process documentation, including project reports and metrics, coding standards, and more

Rock-solid guarantees

  • NDAs to limit information access to third parties
  • IPR protection ensuring your exclusive ownership of codebase and other deliverables
  • SLAs for greater specificity into service standards and performance metrics

Let us help you with software project rescue

We are here to get your project back on track. Contact us today, and a technical expert will reach out to you ASAP with a free consultation.