Capitalize on Our Next-Gen Cloud Application Development Services

Whether you need to quickly integrate with AWS or build a turnkey live streaming SaaS system that can handle 10,000+ concurrent connections — our best-in-class specialists will deliver on cloud projects of any complexity. Let us create your cloud software from scratch, painlessly migrate your system into the cloud, as well as monitor and maintain it around the clock.

Building Cloud-Based Apps from the Ground Up

Take advantage of our expertise in cloud development to get a microservices-powered cloud application, and leverage all the benefits of cloud computing. We effectively combine the strengths of private, public, and hybrid clouds to make your future solution secure, flexible, and 100% reliable. Fully control your data, rapidly expand infrastructure with necessary cloud services, enjoy predictable SLAs, and notably reduce operational costs.

Migrating Your Solution to the Cloud

Let our highly-skilled cloud application development professionals migrate your existing system to the cloud — to enjoy its unparalleled scalability, resources, and infrastructure flexibility. Rapidly respond to market changes by procuring additional storage space and computational power in a matter of seconds, not days. Cloud migration enables on-the-fly scaling and load balancing, true cross-platform availability, and dramatic TCO optimization.

Integrating with Major Cloud Services

Years of close partnership with industry leaders such as Amazon and Microsoft perfected our integration expertise around AWS, Azure, and other major IaaS and PaaS solutions. Engage us to connect your software to first-tier cloud services and benefit from advanced reliability and robustness they provide. Utilize virtually unlimited cloud computing resources and powerful applications to perform your most demanding operations rapidly and at a lower cost.

Creating Long-Term Value with Our Cloud Development Services

We leverage industry-specific expertise and battle-proven know-hows to guide you through each step of cloud application development. A clear cloud implementation roadmap, robust yet flexible cloud architecture, continuous maintenance, and real-time application support — that’s what you get hiring our team.

Approach us at any stage of your project to let our cloud team rapidly integrate into your development process and start bringing value right away.

Cloud Consulting

Let our cloud development specialists assess your project requirements, current infrastructure, and workloads to work out a full-blown cloud implementation strategy for you. We provide you with a suitable cloud deployment model, microservices integration, TCO optimization plans, KPIs, and more — everything you need to build a high-performance yet cost-effective solution.

Cloud Infrastructure Management

Engage us to architect a balanced cloud-based solution, perfectly marrying virtualized and on-premises infrastructure with third-party microservices. Capitalize on our custom automation frameworks and DevOps best practices to effectively orchestrate cloud services, maintain comprehensive cloud infrastructure and optimize its performance in real time.

Cloud Deployment

Need to quickly and seamlessly integrate your existing software with a wide range of cloud-hosted microservices? Implementing a highly reliable and extremely secure cloud app for sensitive data handling? Tap into our team’s profound cloud development expertise and well-honed skills to implement complex public, private, or hybrid cloud deployments with ease.

Cloud Monitoring and Maintenance

Armed with industry-standard monitoring tools and BI-powered analytics, we proactively track and maintain your cloud application to secure its flawless operation — while ensuring performance and availability SLAs. A dedicated team of Tier 2 and 3 support technicians keep guard 24/7 to detect any functionality problems, performance bottlenecks, or other cloud challenges — and address them immediately.

Engage Our Cloud Development Team to Drive Innovation in Trending Industries

Empower your solutions with cutting-edge cloud technologies to push the envelope in the game-changing domains of tomorrow, including IoT, AI, and blockchain.

Online Video

Enhancing OTT with Cloud-Powered Services

Realize the full potential of your OTT software with our cloud solutions — enjoy scalable media asset management, streamlined in-browser video editing, and optimized multiscreen video delivery. Our development team has years of hands-on experience around cloud-based AI-powered workflow orchestration, precise media classification, metadata enrichment, ML-driven transcoding, subtitling, dubbing, QC, compliance, and more.

Machine Learning

Increasing User Engagement with Machine Learning in the Cloud

Get unprecedented control over your user data with custom cloud-based MLaaS platforms — effectively segment your audience, get insights into user consumption habits, and build data-driven audience behavior models. Provide your users with ML-based targeted content recommendations and intelligent filtering to improve conversions, encourage higher usage, and significantly increase ARPU.


Enabling True Security and Interoperability across Healthcare IT

Implement our custom HIPAA-compliant cloud solutions to bolster the security of your EHRs and EMRs with advanced encryption algorithms, regular backups, and continuous access monitoring. Let us migrate your legacy systems to the bulletproof cloud — to streamline interoperability of healthcare data, devices and protocols, and dramatically cut your operational costs.


Connecting Smart IoT Devices via Cloud

Engage our cloud experts to store, process, and transfer huge volumes of actionable IoT data in secure, fast, and cost-effective way. Utilize our AI-powered cloud dashboards and custom ML algorithms to effectively analyze sensor-generated big data, streamline control over your IoT ecosystem’s performance, and automate infrastructure health monitoring.


Boosting Performance and Accessibility in EdTech

Use cloud to boost your e-Learning solution’s overall performance, unlock smooth access to media libraries from any device, and optimize students’ data analysis with ML algorithms. Streamline teacher-student communication with our tailored cloud solutions that on rely on highly available architectures and intelligent autoscaling to support 10,000+ concurrent connections without latency problems.

Smart Contracts

Marrying Smart Contracts with Cloud Computing

Let us combine smart contracts and cloud technologies to guarantee your users the required level of QoS/QoE and automate SLA fulfillment. Leverage blockchain-powered DRM capabilities in the cloud so your customers can enjoy 100% transparent and tamper-proof media royalty payments. Employ our cloud computing solutions to leverage off-chain computations and radically lower computing costs of your dApps.

Featured Cloud Application Development Case Studies

Check out the unique business challenges we have solved for the world’s leading companies. We synergized our multi-year expertise around cloud application development to dive deep into each projects’ specifics and achieve measurable business results.

Partnering with Major Cloud Platforms

Amazon Web Services (AWS) • Microsoft Azure • Google Cloud Platform • IBM Bluemix • Apache CloudStack • Rackspace Cloud • OpenStack • Brightcove Video Cloud

Ensure Your Project's Success with a Top-Notch Cloud Application Development Company

Whether you seek to build a comprehensive cloud solution from scratch or need to migrate your system into the cloud — our team will dive deep into your requirements, provide you with a detailed project roadmap, and start the development right away.