Full-fledged OTT consulting services

When video comes to the forefront of your business, you need the most effective and cost-efficient way to deliver a stellar viewing experience everywhere and anytime. While an online video platform (OVP) seems to be a clear answer, building one that would address your specific needs is a challenge. An OTT consulting and solution development company with multi-year experience, we’ll help you solve the “build vs buy” dilemma while consulting you on multiplatformity, content orchestration, third-party integrations, monetization opportunities, analytics capabilities, and more.

Business case analysis

We provide content owners, broadcasters, and telecoms with a comprehensive business analysis to accelerate their OVP implementation endeavor.

  • Business needs identification
  • On-site and off-site audits around mission-critical workflows
  • IT infrastructure analysis (hardware, software, network resources, etc.)
  • Coherent risk management strategy covering business continuity, business-IT alignment, and more
  • Regulatory compliance analysis
  • Detailed business analysis report with actionable recommendations
  • TCO optimization consulting
  • Ballpark cost and investment estimates
  • Developing a skills matrix to identify training needs

OVP selection assistance

We’re here to analyze market-leading OVPs and consult on the key modules and components.

  • Ingestion and upload (file formats, compression, upload speed, etc.)
  • Encoding and transcoding
  • Video CMS and media management
  • MAM orchestration (flows, jobs, triggers, notifications, and more)
  • Video player (customization, performance, ad support, etc.)
  • DRM and content protection
  • Distribution and CDN support
  • OTT-critical BI capabilities
  • Vision document with detailed feature maps and cost estimations

Enterprise-grade integrations

Team up with our adept professionals to get professional advice on value-driven OVP integrations.

  • Connecting internal silos and integrating third-party services
  • On-prem, cloud-based, or hybrid deployment options
  • CDN, DRM, analytics, QoS, and ad management platforms
  • Resource management, billing, sales, and marketing systems
  • Integration and business continuity testing
  • A comprehensive integration landscape document with cost and time estimations

Commercialization consulting

Experts in video content monetization, we’ll help you choose the optimal commercialization model for your business and consult on its deployment.

  • Ad platform choice consulting
  • Client-side (CSAI) and server-side (SSAI) ad insertion
  • SSP, DSP, and DMP integrations
  • Addressable TV advertising
  • Granular ad campaign reporting and customer intelligence
  • Business model strategy (SVOD, AVOD, TVOD, EST, PPV, etc.)
  • Billing and subscription management automation
  • Full-fledged monetization strategy with investment estimates and implementation roadmap

Unlock new efficiencies with enterprise-grade OTT consulting

Since our inception in 2005, we’ve accumulated a lot of OTT know-hows to deliver comprehensive consulting services around OVP development, enhancement, and integration.

Streamline your OTT implementation journey

We have the resources and skills to assist you at every step of your OTT implementation journey. Drop us a line and we’ll get back to you to discuss the details.