Drive business growth with a custom OTT platform

Since our inception in 2005, we have accumulated profound expertise in a variety of video-related domains, including OTT (both live streaming and on-demand), IPTV, mobile video, VR and 360° video, as well as gaming consoles, STBs, and smart TV platforms.

Our know-how was instrumental in helping global brands envision, design, and deliver innovative video solutions.

Covering your OTT workflows, from ingestion to playout

We provide full-fledged OTT consulting and development services for a variety of B2B and B2C clients:

  • Platform vendors
  • MVPDs and MSOs
  • Content owners
  • Education Providers
  • Telecoms
  • Broadcasters
We understand the ins and outs of your business workflows and can support you at every stage of your content delivery journey, from video ingestion to management to monetization.
OTT workflow

Tap into custom OTT development

From business case and IT infrastructure analysis to end-to-end solution development and support, we’ve got you covered.

UX and UI development

Leverage our frontend talent and UX development expertise to build highly usable, professional-looking UIs for a variety of screens and devices. We cover responsive web, mobile, connected TVs, set-top boxes (such as Apple TVs and streaming sticks), gaming consoles, and more.

Ingestion and uploading

Upload multiple large files in whatever format and from whatever device in a fraction of time and quickly reach target audiences. Enable upload via FTP or a drop folder, or bank on our API and connector development expertise to create custom content ingestion workflows.

Encoding and transcoding

We are experts in industry-standard encoding and transcoding tools and tech stacks designed to ensure your video is delivered in the right format and optimized for playback across various devices and network conditions.

Video management

Automate complex workflows throughout your video management lifecycle. Edit and group files, create playlists, add metadata and tags, upload subtitles, create and manage multiple user groups, and more. Capitalize on our MAM competence to ensure compliance with brand standards and local regulations.

Advertising and monetization

Ensure a steady cash flow via advanced video advertising and monetization capabilities. From server-­side ad insertion (SSAI) to third-party integrations with providers such as FreeWheel or DoubleClick — we’ve got your back.

BI analytics

Use our big data and business intelligence know-how to develop state-of-the-art video analytics or integrate with market leaders like comScore, Nielsen, and Rentrak. Use data-driven insights into viewer behavior and video performance to make informed decisions and stun the competition.

Step into the future with a tailored OTT solution

Whatever your OTT development needs are, we will help you build a superior online video solution designed to engage your audiences and ensure a high ROI.

Leverage our video-related expertise

Partner with our OTT development experts to take your solution to the next level.

Live streaming and VoD

Live streaming and VoD

  • Smooth broadcasting for diverse platforms, devices, players, and formats
  • Support for an unlimited number of concurrent viewers
  • Extensive VoD libraries with multiple monetization options
  • Powerful live-to-VoD capabilities
Content orchestration

Content orchestration

  • Subtitling and dubbing
  • Metadata management and enhancement
  • Archiving and scheduling
  • Automatic QC
  • Fine-grained user management and access control
Smart TV

Smart TV

  • Live streaming apps for Apple TV, Android TV, Roku TV, Smart Alliance, and other platforms
  • Best practices around platform-specific SDKs
  • In-app purchase support
  • Smooth operation through remote controls and connected devices
  • Advanced analytics on customer journeys, conversions, and more
Digital rights management

Digital rights management

  • Coherent content protection strategy
  • Integrating with industry-leading DRM providers such as PlayReady, Widevine, FairPlay, and more
  • Developing a custom DRM system in line with your goals
  • Compliance with studio and rights-holder requirements
Content delivery networks

Content delivery networks

  • Strategic CDN consulting around your business needs
  • Single and multiple CDN setups
  • Integration with all leading CDNs, including Amazon CloudFront, Akamai, Limelight, Networks, and Level 3
  • Support for key streaming standards such as HLS, MPEG-DASH, RTMP, and more
  • Comprehensive CDN analytics for real-time insights on traffic, audience behavior, and threats
AR, VR, and 360° video

AR, VR, and 360° video

  • 360-degree live streaming
  • Immersive AR and VR video content
  • Support for single-player and multiplayer VR and AR video games
  • Hardware consulting and development
Second screening

Second screening

  • Content-related information like actors, characters, teams, and more
  • Interactive polls, games, stats, and trivia
  • Advanced social media functionality
  • T-commerce and cross-selling
  • Comprehensive loyalty programs

Accelerate OTT solution development

Get advantage of ready-to-use components and our proprietary know-hows to speed up the development of your enterprise-grade OTT solution.

Ready-to-use components

  • Easy-to-deploy recommendation engines
  • User-generated content libraries
  • Asset and metadata management tools
  • Electronic program guide components

Partner integrations

  • Customizable video players
  • DRM and CDN platforms
  • Digital marketing and social media solutions
  • Payment gateways

Content DNA Platform

  • Intelligent adaptation of ads to video scenes
  • Unsupervised content anomaly detection
  • Explicit and illegal content identification
  • Automatic generation of promo materials
  • Personalized content suggestions

QA automation framework

  • Parallel testing across multiple browsers and devices
  • Early discovery of bugs and reduced cost-to-fix
  • Highly customizable modules and connectors
  • Fast releases with no regression debt
  • Code as documentation

Addressing your OTT needs to create value across the enterprise

Whether you are an established player in need of video platform-related services, or a start-up trying to push the envelope building the next big thing in online video, we are here to help.

OTT consulting

Experienced OVP consultants, we’ll identify your key business needs, perform a detailed TCO analysis, and advise on the optimal OVP development strategy. Our services also include professional consulting on enterprise-grade integrations, platform monetization, solution enhancement, and more.

Innovation enablement

Team up with us to sharpen your competitive edge. We have the right knowledge and resources to equip your OVP solution with trailblazing functionality, including AI-powered business workflows automation, ML-enabled quality control, and immersive video content support.

End-to-end integrations

Draw on our competence around enterprise-wide integrations of apps, processes, and systems. Underpinned by our solid integration testing expertise, we’ll make sure your OVP seamlessly interacts with big data transfer systems and HS, CDN and DRM, billing systems, CRM, and other mission-critical solutions.

Comprehensive QA

Rely on our dedicated QA services to notably improve your product and process quality — on project, program, and enterprise levels. We are ready to assist you in creating an effective QA strategy and conducting various testing types, including cross-platform, performance, security, and localization testing.

Why choose us for custom video solution development

We bring to the table the expertise you need to outperform the competition.

Proven domain expertise

We have built several custom OTT solutions from scratch and are experts in customization and enhancement of 30+ market-leading video platforms and streaming servers. Our core expertise includes live streaming, video CMS, MAM orchestration, multi-screen apps development, and more.

Mature, low-risk process

We have a well-defined yet flexible Scrum process in place to ensure even a major undertaking like building a brand-new OTT platform can be carried out in a predictable, low-risk manner — without sacrificing speed of development or time to market.

Trusted by global brands

Throughout the years, we have helped industry leaders such as Vodafone and Discovery Communications to create state-of-the-art video solutions designed to take the market by storm. Capitalize on our OTT expertise to leave the competition in the dust.

Our video technology stack


FFmpeg • Zencoder • Harmonic • Envivio


Adyen • Stripe • Braintree • Cleeng • Vindicia


Google Widevine • Microsoft PlayReady • Apple FairPlay • Marlin • Verimatrix


Akamai • Amazon CloudFront • Limelight Networks • Level 3


comScore • Omni­ture • Nielsen • Conviva • YOUBORA • Sisense • Akamai • Google


DoubleClick • YuMe • SpotX • Tremor Video • LiveRail • • FreeWheel

Let’s talk business

We are here to help you with your online video development needs. Let’s connect and turn your big idea into reality.