Implement comprehensive QA and testing at every stage of your OTT delivery pipeline

To quickly and accurately perform hundreds of versatile operations, modern OTT systems need to satisfy the highest quality requirements. Our QA expertise covers every step of your workflow, resulting in improved task execution and system performance.

Addressing every aspect of OTT solution quality


Enable flawless operation of every OTT component

  • Comprehensive testing of multiscreen apps on every platform and resolution
  • Dedicated STB and smart TV testing service
  • Covering functionality like EPG, time shift, recommendations, sharing, and more
  • Testing ingest and storage services
  • Testing asset management workflows
  • Testing complex OTT business rules
  • E2E testing before every release


Ensure seamless across-the-board integrations

  • Integration QA consulting and approach definition
  • CDN and multi-CDN integration
  • Third-party ingestion integration
  • Third-party player integration
  • Archiving and storage integration
  • ASR and translation integration
  • Transcript editing integration
  • DRM integration
  • Ad management integration
  • BI services integration


Deliver a reliable service for any traffic load

  • Latency engineering and latency-driven system design
  • Load and stress testing
  • Identifying performance bugs and component limitations
  • Load, bandwidth, average bitrate, and streaming protocols testing
  • “Last mile” delivery and multi-CDN setup testing
  • Precise, actionable recommendations on improving latency and speed

Quality of experience

Smooth viewing for audiences of any size

  • Testing for network congestion, jitter, edge caching, and more
  • Extended playback testing
  • Testing critical QoE metrics such as stream startup time, average bitrate, error rate, and rebuffer time
  • Real-time layout management testing
  • UX and UI testing for multiscreen apps
  • Performance-oriented QA framework for fast and cost-effective testing on web, mobile, and smart TV platforms


Safeguard your digital assets

  • Penetration testing
  • Vulnerability testing
  • Payment gateway testing
  • Authentication and authorization testing
  • Content targeting testing
  • Media encryption testing
  • Compliance with such data privacy standards as GDPR and PCI DSS


Go beyond language boundaries

  • All-around l10n and i18n testing
  • Validating date, time, currency formats, and more
  • Testing of in-app terminology and error messages
  • Ensuring RTL language support by testing dropdown and data entry fields, bulleted and numbered lists, etc.
  • Subtitle localization testing

Explore the full range of our QA services

Whether you prefer the end-to-end approach or want to focus on a particular area, we are ready to help you set up a comprehensive QA workflow.

Mission-critical QA activities throughout the SDLC

To ensure outstanding quality of your product, we involve our QA expertise early on and at every stage of the development process.


  • QA process audit
  • Developing a company-wide QA strategy
  • Choosing the optimal engagement model (dedicated QA team, managed testing services, etc.)
  • Defining the optimal automation approach
  • Enforcing regulatory compliance
  • Test cost mitigation
  • QA staff training

Discovery and analysis

  • QA strategy selection with clearly defined quality metrics and acceptance criteria
  • Choosing the testing approach
  • Selecting the tech stack
  • Creating the project test plan with workload estimates
  • Requirements analysis and testing
  • Priorities and risks management
  • Full QA environment setup
  • Test data preparation


  • Executing tests according to plan
  • Updating checklists and test cases
  • Maintaining automation tests
  • Reporting project quality level and status
  • Reporting emerging project problems and bugs
  • Providing a high level of test coverage


  • Pre-production and release testing
  • QA sign-off reports
  • User configuration guides
  • Administrator training
  • All-encompassing post-release review based on multiple success metrics
  • Knowledge sharing and actionable QA recommendations

Talk to a quality assurance professional

It’s never too early in the project to start caring about quality. Reach out to our team to discuss the right QA approach for the needs of your project.