Live Streaming Software Development

When streaming live events gets challenging, Global Software & Consultants steps in to help customers make sure that nothing gets in the way of a viewer who is about to enjoy the long-awaited moment.

We build fully integrated solutions to allow broadcast-quality live streaming while taking care of the diversity of devices, traffic spikes, piracy, and other obstacles to outstanding viewing experiences. You only get one shot to do live, and we know how to do it right.

Live Streaming Software Application Areas

Global Software & Consultants helps organizations and enterprises stream live video across various types of events and industries:

  • Sports
  • TV broadcasts
  • Houses of worship
  • Entertainment events
  • Conferences
  • Education & training
  • Game streaming
  • Corporate comms

Challenges We Tackle

  • Full-cycle live content broadcasting with just one technology partner
  • Development for diverse platforms, devices, players, and formats
  • Simplified management of complex live streaming software workflows
  • The ability to scale to an unlimited number of concurrent viewers
  • TV-like QoE (Quality of Experience)
  • High QoS (Quality of Service): resilience to network congestions and packet loss

Live Streaming Software Features

Customizable Player Development

Implement a top-notch player packed with multibitrate, DVR, simulated live, and recording to provide audiences with TV-quality live streaming whatever the device. Let your player go beyond pure playback to support content protection, analytics, and advertising while leveraging next-gen capabilities such as VR and 360° video.

Analytics and QoE/QoS Monitoring

Analyze both viewing behavior and stream quality to get the full picture of how your content performs across various audiences, destinations, and devices. Compare real-time insights with historical data to make informed decisions, and easily share your findings throughout the organization.

On-the-Fly Stream Processing

Let artificial intelligence-based tools help your staff process huge amounts of incoming data in real time. Enforce regulation compliance through instant flagging of sensitive video content, generate rich metadata for professional and entertainment purposes, or create engaging highlights of the event in seconds.

Second-Screen Software

Take full advantage of second screens to boost and measure viewers’ engagement while they are watching VoD content, and to create more opportunities for advertisers. Deliver interactive, synchronized apps that augment real-time broadcasts with background information, discussions, polls, games, and much more.

Image Recognition

Use lightning-fast face and object recognition solutions to detect and track leading players, bring the focus on exciting moments of the game as they unfold, recognize important attendees and celebs in the crowd, or collect detailed marketing data for later use.

Seamless Ad Insertion

Implement server-side ad insertion (SSAI) to enable smooth delivery of pre-roll, mid-roll and post-roll commercials, including protection from ad blockers. Ads will be stitched to video files at the server level and then shown as part of the original content.

How we stand out: Content DNA Platform

Tap into our proprietary human-like machine learning solution to reinvent video processing and delivery.


  • Accelerated scene-based analysis of live video content
  • Accurate detection of content anomalies, sensitive themes, illegal video, and more
  • Spotting the optimal place for ad insertions and optimizing ads for particular episodes without scene splitting
  • Identifying any type of sports content and automatically generating appealing highlights
  • Revealing hidden metadata dependencies to deliver hyper-personalized content recommendations

Our Online Video Streaming Expertise

Discover more opportunities to deliver high-quality video experiences, protect your content and engage audiences across devices. Tap into our next-gen online video solutions in areas such as:

  • They proactively focus on things that are important.

    Global Software & Consultants provides the best quality deliverables even in the most strenuous times. With our aggressive deadlines, the team was always up to the challenge. In addition, they communicate questions and clarifications clearly and logically.

    They work efficiently on all tasks assigned to them. Their overall response rate has been great, despite the time difference.

    They adhere to different processes that are placed within the client organization and work together with managers to improve these processes. They proactively focus on things that are important to our system development.

    Trevor J. Sykes
    Vice President Engineering, JumpTV Inc.

Let us help you tackle your software development challenge

Let us know about your needs, and an Global Software & Consultants software expert will get back to you to discuss how a custom video streaming platform can take live events to the next level.