Streamline your content acquisition workflows

Content acquisition lays the groundwork for the entire OTT business process. We use state-of-the-art technology to help media businesses develop custom modules to support comprehensive acquisition workflows.


AI-driven content discovery

  • Intelligent search through social media and UGC
  • NLP-based content tagging and topic extraction
  • Verifying content authenticity with facial and object recognition
  • Content moderation and licensing
  • Ingestion into the editing pipeline


Centralized ingest operations

  • Automated media format-agnostic ingestion
  • Bulk ingestion and live feeds capture
  • Support for SDI, NDI, and IP sources
  • Post-ingestion video and audio QC
  • Frictionless integration with any MAM platform


Metadata extraction and enrichment

  • Real-time extraction of timecode, file format and other structural metadata
  • CV-driven video features extraction for detailed descriptive metadata
  • Automated metadata enrichment with AI-generated attributes
  • Smooth metadata import into a MAM system


Automated multiscreen transcoding

  • Expert consulting around latency, scalability, and infrastructure model
  • Seamless integration with industry-standard transcoding platforms
  • Real-time and on-demand transcoding
  • ABR support for high QoE
  • File-based QC to avoid compression artifacts

End-to-end OTT workflow support



Edit huge volumes of content fast and cost-effectively using our in-house content DNA platform. Allow intelligent automation take care of mission-critical tasks such as flagging age-inappropriate content, extracting metadata, creating additional materials, and detecting content anomalies.



Our OTT team is ready to supercharge your content management operations. Boost business value and speed up complex workflows across the entire organization by automating a range of tasks from ingestion to storage to playout. Implement comprehensive reporting for 100% process transparency.



Serve engaging content via multiple channels at once and implement a tailored multi-CDN setup to provide your viewers with high-quality experiences regardless of the device. Protect your digital assets with a custom DRM solution and integrate data analytics to receive reliable, actionable insights about your content delivery performance.



Extract more value from your content than ever before. Discover new revenue channels and try out various monetization models, including SVOD, AVOD, TVOD, EST, and PPV, to find the optimal solution. Simplify cross-selling and upselling, reduce churn, and leverage targeted TV opportunities for a 360° approach to profits.



Unlock the power of data to enhance your decision-making process. Hire an expert big data and BI team with experience in OTT to help you integrate cutting-edge analytics software into your workflow. Gain a deep, granular understanding of your audience to serve the content your viewers crave and to see your conversion numbers grow.

Tap into man-centuries of online video expertise

Describe the challenges of your content acquisition process to get in touch with our OTT development team.