Dedicated Development Team

The Dedicated Development Team model is a perfect fit for businesses who need to quickly ramp up their development resources or augment their internal development teams with rare or highly specialized talent.

The dedicated team approach can benefit your business in many ways, allowing you to rapidly scale up or down as needed, cut the development costs, and reduce time to market. All while retaining complete control over the project vision, milestones, and deliverables.

Addressing your challenges

Fix resource shortage

Building full-cycle teams of any tech skills and industry background is what we do best. Engage our managed team to cover all your project challenges head-to-toe — from phase 0 to post-release maintenance.

Tap into unique expertise

Lack of innovative expertise is holding you back? Leverage our powerful R&D capabilities and best practices around major domains to launch any promising project with confidence.

Eliminate overheads

Having an in-house project team comes with unavoidable overheads — rent, infrastructure, vacations, bonuses, and more. Let us absorb your extra expenses to help you optimize budget and reduce the total cost of ownership.

Scale at will

Ramp up in a matter of days. Whether you need a full-scale managed team or 0.25 FTE — we got processes, human resources, and recruiting capabilities to rapidly address your scalability challenges in a cost-effective way.

Keep long-term focus

Stay focused on strategic goals and challenges while engaging our certified scrum masters to handle time-consuming project activities — from workflow orchestration to team management to budget control to ROI monitoring.

Retain full control

Worried about your intellectual property rights? We sign strict NDAs and undertake comprehensive protection measures including source code transfer to give you full control over your IP assets.

Building full-cycle dedicated teams for end-to-end projects


Result-driven analysts

  • Deeply analyzing your business needs and converting them into measurable goals
  • Developing a user-focused product strategy
  • Working out a clear-cut project plan, including resources, scope, roadmap, and more
  • Synchronizing strategic and tactical milestones
  • Offering you a perfect team composition

Proactive R&D

  • Profound R&D expertise across domains
  • 20+ result-driven experts supporting you throughout the development cycle
  • Delivering a fully-functional POC within 4 weeks
  • Internal projects to try out innovative concepts and tackle tough challenges
  • Finding efficient solutions to cut costs and minimize time-to-market

Business-minded scrum masters

  • Converting your business requirements into user stories and actionable developer tasks
  • Orchestrating project teams, workflows, time-frames, and CD pipelines
  • Fully controlling product quality, progress, budget, and customer satisfaction
  • Guaranteeing project effectivity by setting and monitoring ROI, SLAs, team KPIs, and more

Mature development specialists

  • Full-stack developers with a solid grasp of frontend and backend tech, testing, and DevOps
  • Veteran solution architects on board
  • Compliance with CISQ code quality standards
  • Comprehensive unit testing
  • Manual and automated code review
  • Ongoing mentoring within the team

World-class QA and test automation

  • ISTQB-certified test professionals
  • Comprehensive, robust QA strategy to ensure product quality
  • Multiple test types including functional, integration, API, smoke, load, regression and more
  • Solving unique testing problems around web, mobile, and smart TVs
  • In-house, ready-to-go test automation framework

Continuous high quality support

  • Providing 24/7 support at L2 and L3 levels
  • Agreed-upon SLAs and metrics to ensure quick incident resolution
  • Responsive ticketing system to rapidly address stakeholder requests
  • Thorough documentation and knowledge sharing across project teams

Taking risks out of the equation

From utmost process transparency to predictable project ramp-up to fully documented deliverables, benefit from a risk-free collaboration with us.

360° visibility and control

  • Daily project updates via e-mail and video calls
  • Regular product demos to fully control progress
  • Responsive health check system to ensure stakeholder satisfaction
  • Clearly-defined KPIs to guarantee effective team performance
  • 27 progress and process metrics to continuously measure project results

Maximum team flexibility

  • Continuously adjusting team size and composition to match current project needs
  • Average ramp-up pace of 5 specialists per week
  • A talent pool of market’s top-tier specialists
  • 30-day trial period for each team member
  • Predictable resource booking to guarantee the specialists are available when you need them
  • Building an extra full-stack team from scratch within 5 weeks

Risk-free knowledge transfer

  • Project-specific knowledge transfer strategy
  • Thoroughly documenting all deliverables — code, architecture, test cases, and more
  • Transfering fully commented project artefacts at your first request
  • Continuously reusing internal R&D know-hows to reduce time to market

Custom, value-driven Scrum

Early value delivery

  • Professional requirements management
  • Automated project infrastructure setup
  • Delivering your first working demo within 4 weeks

Maximum scope flexibility

  • Well-defined change request management
  • Efficient scope breakdown
  • Regular backlog refinement and control

Transparency and predictability

  • Tangible progress and process metrics
  • Instant blocker identification and management
  • Ultimate visibility into dedicated development team velocity

Best Scrum Master talent

  • Continuous Scrum Master education and training
  • Scrum Alliance Certified ScrumMasters®
  • Assistance in budget control and ROI monitoring

Continuous enhancement

Striving for continuous improvement, we complete each sprint with an agile retrospective to surface growth opportunities.

Getting started in 3 simple steps

Handpick an ideal team

After scrupulously analyzing your project goals, we shortlist the best candidates, send you their profiles, and organize interviews — so you can be sure each team member perfectly meets your expectations.

A test task to ensure expertise

Let us prove our competence by quickly fulfilling a test assignment. Share your product requirements, or even a high-level vision, and get a functional prototype as early as in 10 days.

Test the team for 30 days

We offer a trial period for each team member you hire. Battle-test their skills for one month and decide how happy you are with the performance.

Tap into our talent pool of dedicated developers

Contact us today to discuss your project needs, and a managed team expert will get back to you shortly!