Software Development Outsourcing Scaled

Global Software & Consultants is a software development outsourcing company backed with a workforce of 300+ engineering all-rounders, experienced manual and automated QA specialists, and mature resource management and project delivery experts.

Depending on you project specifics, we offer the following engagement models:

  • Dedicated Development Team
  • Team Augmentation
  • Fixed Bid
  • Time & Materials
Since 2005, Global Software & Consultants has grown into an uncompromisingly reliable software outsourcing partner. With a cross-domain expertise honed all over 450+ projects so far, we have earned our stripes as a trusted mobile and web software provider for such global brands as Google, Discovery, Disney, and Vodafone.

Full Cycle of Outsourcing Services to Drive Your Business Growth

We harness our low-risk development approach to furnish your business with a custom software product that closely meets your objectives, drives tangible value, and takes you ahead of the competition.

Full-Cycle Software Development

  • Web app development
  • Mobile app development
  • Desktop app development
  • Database development
  • DevOps as a Service
  • Middleware development, data and app integration

Testing and QA
as a Service

  • QA and test strategy implementation
  • Manual and automated testing
  • Cross-platform testing, including mobile and smart TVs
  • Load and performance testing
  • Security testing and vulnerability assessment
  • Mature in-house test automation framework

Standalone SDLC-specific Services

  • R&D and technology consulting
  • Business analysis and requirements management
  • UX and UI Design
  • Prototyping and PoC development
  • Solution architecturing
  • Software maintenance and support

Talk with an expert

Not sure about the right engagement model or the exact scope of services your business needs? Drop us a line to start a conversation with an expert who can walk you through the steps and help you arrive at an informed decision.

Rapid Results

For a faster rollout, we bet on our agile process complete with rapid prototyping and backlog refinement. To help you outrun the competition through value-driven product decisions, we offer implementing a Proof of Concept or an MVP.


Make the Most of Global Software & Consultants’s Key Tech Competence

Tap the potential of our software development outsourcing pool to obtain a top-notch solution and go leading edge — way faster than you expect.



Design visually compelling and intuitive yet load-resistant mobile and web solutions to address the needs of any domain — from M&E to IoT. Devise business logic of any complexity — we’ll make your app reliable enough to handle mission-critical processes with ease.



Build full-blown cross-platform and cross-device solutions — from line-of-business web, desktop, and mobile apps to enterprise-grade big data and BI systems. Utilize our tech know-how to streamline performance of your most data-intensive solutions and discover new revenue opportunities.



Whatever your niche is, harness our PHP squad to create value-added products and outperform competitors. From feature-rich web portals to custom e-business apps — we are ready to build any kind of solution from scratch, underpinning it by cutting-edge functionality, be it ML-based search, AI-driven recommendations, or blockchain-secured payments.



Develop full-featured MVPs to quickly win over investor funding. Build end-to-end enterprise-level systems, custom internal and external APIs, and reliable, consistent web API endpoints to tackle complex workflows. Pair the stable Rails framework with a microservices architecture to ensure unparalleled scalability.



Reach out to your clients with iOS, Android, and cross-platform apps that easily handle explosive user growth. To help you foster business agility and hit the market, we can implement an advanced tech that sits well with your needs — be it an immersive AR experience or an AI algorithm.



Utilize our experienced developers to design highly interactive AngularJS, React, and HTML5-powered web and mobile frontends. We make sure they are a breeze to run across all OSs and screen resolutions, taking extra care to deliver that stunningly native look and feel.

Here's Why You Should Contract Us

The clients trust us for our rock-solid capability to live up to the commitments. We keep expenses under control and stick to the timelines, yet stay flexible enough and adopt changes as necessary.

Proven Business Value

Our committed researchers and analysts help you devise a working strategy to achieve advanced business agility and faster ROI. We make every step count for success — from competition analysis to scalability and monetization roadmapping.

100% Transparency and Risk Management

To keep you in control of the project status, our company uses tangible progress and process metrics, custom daily reporting dashboards, video conferencing, documentation updates, and onsite visits. A well-timed feedback helps detect and handle outsourcing risks early on.

IPR and Information Security

We never cut corners on security. On top of signing a strict NDA to confirm your exclusive ownership of the deliverables, we safeguard your business-critical information via stringent internal security controls. To ensure uncompromised user privacy, we offer GDPR implementation and guidance.

In-House R&D Unit

Our robust R&D experts got a knack for investigating technologies and practices on the radar to offer a state-of-the-art approach to market challenges. Having an eye for continuous innovation helps add tangible product value and gives our clients a new competitive edge.

Rock-Solid Guarantee

Each contracting model is underpinned by a guarantee to deliver the product on time and on budget. Our software development outsourcing company provides a 6-month project warranty to ensure no critical defect creeps in upon project completion.

Great UX and UI Expertise

We use advanced wireframes, mockups, and clickable prototypes to give you a taste of your app’s look and feel right away. With a captivating UI, intuitive UX, and amazing effects, your app will stand out at first glance while abiding by Apple and Google guidelines.

Mobile and Web Testing Automation

With a fleet of 70+ devices and a mature web, mobile, and API test automation framework, our QA team can help you cut both time-to-market and cost. No matter business logic complexity, we’ll deliver a flawless app that will take users by storm.

Integration and Enhancement

We build software that can be seamlessly integrated with your internal systems or third-party services. We’ll track the app’s efficiency and analyze the stats to enhance user acquisition, make feedback-driven updates, and develop new features.

Get Your Money’s Worth with the Right Collaboration Model

Throughout its 13+ years in software development outsourcing, Global Software & Consultants established mature Scrum and Waterfall-powered processes. Yet, as a client-oriented company, we set great store on flexibility. Depending on your business needs and project specifics, we offer three major engagement models to transparently and predictably deliver solutions that live up to all of your expectations, on time and on budget.

Fixed Bid

This option works best when the budget expectations are clearly nailed down. To tackle the risks of going beyond the funding, we optimize scope breakdown and maximize predictability. We sit down with the client to elaborate a detailed release roadmap, so that they can make sure they get the money’s worth at any time.

Time and Materials

Hourly Time and Materials contracting is a flexible model that’s mostly intended for outsourcing long-term projects with dynamic requirements, where scope of work is only loosely defined or is expected to change. Paying hourly rates and costs of materials, clients take advantage of the opportunity to adjust budget, change direction, and scale feature list up and down as needed.

Dedicated Development Center

Suited for either medium or large-scale projects with changing scope and team composition, the Dedicated Development Center outsourcing model is designed to quickly augment internal engineering teams or scale up software development resources via bringing in rare or high-skilled workforce.

Hire Our Software Development Outsourcing Team of Well-Rounded Professionals

We are ready to take care of every development phase  — from ideation and engineering to testing, integration and support. Let's touch base to find a good match between our outsourcing expertise and your business needs.