Driven by pre-established feature specifications, functional testing approaches software from the user’s point of view. A must-have for every project, it covers 95% of product quality requirements and expectations.

Global Software & Consultants’s QA and software testing services follow a well-defined process that has been developed and honed over the years. Our experts devise the optimum QA strategy for the project, handpick the right software tools, and plan the required testing activities.

Our functional testing team then develops extensive test cases and checklists, executes them, and analyzes the output. By employing such black-box techniques as equivalence partitioning and boundary value analysis, our testers save time and improve testing efficiency to deliver outstanding results.

Why Global Software & Consultants

Commitment to quality

Our new defect discovery rate after completing user acceptance testing stands at an average of 2.72%. As a testament of the confidence we have in our QA team, we provide a quality guarantee — 180 days of free bug fixing after contract closure.

Utmost transparency

You get 100% visibility into QA activities 24/7 and periodical sign-off reports with bugs statistic by priority, so the stakeholders are always aware of the product’s quality status and the effort remaining.

Certified QA engineers

Our QA teams include ISTQB-certified test managers, analysts, and engineers with an average of 3 years of experience. Even Juniors are required to take REST API and SQL exams to get on board.

Deep AQA expertise

On projects involving repetitive tasks or complicated business logic, we recommend test automation to save time, minimize regressions, and deliver frequent releases with confidence. Automation also empowers MQA engineers to explore and focus on new functionality testing.

Continuous refinement

At Global Software & Consultants, bimonthly independent process audits and sprint retrospectives are standard procedure. Rigorous mentoring and frequent company meetups ensure effective knowledge transfer within teams and across departments.

Flexible engagement

Our functional testing engineers are ready to lend their testing skills as part of Global Software & Consultants’s project team or as a dedicated unit. We adapt our workflow to your needs, be it Scrum, Kanban, Waterfall, or something else.

Our cross-domain functional software testing expertise

Featured case studies

Check out the unique business challenges we have solved for the world’s leading companies. Online video, machine learning, big data, business intelligence, IoT, and more — we synergized our multi-year functional testing expertise around key tech domains to dive deep into each projects’ specifics and achieve measurable business results.

Functional testing tools we use

  • Selenium IDE
  • Fiddler
  • Charles Proxy
  • Browser DevTools
  • Android SDK
  • Xcode
  • Postman
  • QuerySurge
  • dbForge Studio
  • MySQL Workbench
  • pgAdmin
  • PuTTY
  • VirtualBox
  • Robo 3T
  • RabbitMQ
  • JSON Viewer
  • XML Viewer
  • FileZilla
  • SQL Server Management Studio
  • Swagger UI
  • SoapUI
  • Xray
  • PICT

Leverage our expertise on functional testing services

Functional testing services are crucial for delivering high-quality software products and digital experiences. Contact our QA consultants for expert advice on the best strategies and tools to make your project reach its full potential.