Turnkey UI Testing Services

In today’s ultra-competitive software market, no one gets a second chance to make a first impression. A clean and beautiful Graphical User Interface is incredibly important for attracting and retaining users.

Our comprehensive UI testing services package helps verify that your web, mobile, or smart TV interface ticks all the boxes in terms of technical requirements and user satisfaction.


We provide our clients with end-to-end UI testing services to address their UI concerns and make sure that:

  • Window controls (buttons, toolbars, menus, lists, etc.) and graphical objects are well-organized, meaningfully labeled, and accessible
  • International considerations are followed (support for right-to-left languages, international fonts, enough on-screen space for translated text, etc.)
  • On mobile devices, the UI adapts seamlessly to all resolutions, screen orientations, mobile network events and conditions, etc.
  • All UI components conform to UI mockups, visual prototypes, corporate guidelines, and user expectations

Web Solutions

Rigorous cross-browser UI testing is essential for creating intuitive web interfaces that behave as expected and deliver superior quality of experience under various condi­tions. Our web UI testing offering includes strategies, tools and techniques for verifying:

  • Appearance, positioning and grouping of web controls and basic components
  • Style consistency across all pages
  • Appropriate use of colors in links, backgrounds, and fonts
  • Readability and proper typographical hierarchy
  • Availability of keyboard shortcuts
  • Compliance with web content accessibility standards
  • Spelling and grammar
  • Support for i18n and l10n UI requirements

Mobile Apps

Smaller screens mean a smaller margin of error, making mobile GUI testing a challeng­ing task. Our team of QA experts relies on 12+ years of experience deli­vering pixel-perfect apps. Here are some of the mobile UI features we test on emulators and real devices:

  • UI adaptability to a wide range of screen sizes and resolutions
  • Correct operation in portrait and landscape mode
  • Virtual keyboard behavior
  • Graceful response to interruptions (calls, messages, push notifications)
  • Progress indicators and notifications
  • Image clarity and contrast
  • Overall color scheme consistency
  • UI scalability and compliance with zoomable user interface requirements

Why Do UI Testing With Global Software & Consultants

Strong Project Teams

Continuous mentoring and a commitment to leading industry guidelines helps us deliver an exceptional service. We also involve in-house ISTQB-certified experts in usability, localization, and other related fields whenever the project demands it.

Versatile Domain Experience

From eCommerce to Advertising to Healthcare, every vertical lives by its own UI standards. Tap our hands-on domain experience to ensure that your solution’s UI meets and exceeds users’ expectations — no matter the industry.

Software Quality Guarantee

Your peace of mind matters to us. This is why we provide all our clients with a 6-month warranty period to eliminate any major or critical defects discovered after the completion of your project.

Our Tools

GUI testing is a fast-developing field, with new techs appearing every day. Here are some of the tools our UI team uses in their day-to-day work:

PerfectPixel • Grid Displayer • PixelZoomer • Xray • UI5 Inspector • Selenium IDE • Browser DevTools • BrowserStack • ColorZilla • Xenu

Quality Is a Team Effort

In an extremely competitive market, a polished, easy-to-use UI can make all the difference. Drop us a line to start the conversation with our QA consulting team and leverage their skills and experience for your next project.