Integration Testing Services

A typical project comprises multiple modules coded by a team of programmers. Even with fastidious unit testing, miscommunication between team members or changes in requirements can cause issues when individual modules are put together. By pinpointing these issues early, our integration testing services enable clients to save time and money on projects of various size and complexity.

Leverage our know-how to examine interfaces and data flow between components, track down functional, performance, and reliability defects early on, and respond to them before they turn into serious problems.

Why Test With Global Software & Consultants

Code-Savvy QA Engineers

Our ISTQB-certified test engineers, managers, and analysts have the necessary skills to perform grey-box and white-box testing, while providing programmers with detailed low-level bug reports that help accelerate development and improve quality.

Deep AQA Expertise

On projects involving repetitive tasks or complicated business logic, we recommend test automation to save time, minimize regressions, and deliver frequent releases with confidence. Automation also empowers MQA engineers to explore and focus on new functionality testing.

Product Quality Guarantee

We value your trust in us and aim to protect your interests. This is why we include a 180-day warranty period in our contracts — meaning any major and critical bugs discovered after acceptance will be fixed for free.

Our Strategies

When working on your project, our QA experts take into account scope complexity, time constraints, and other factors to work out the best-fitting integration testing strategy.

Incremental Integration Testing

We start with testing the communication between a few logically related components and add new ones after each test is success­fully completed. This approach has multiple advantages:

  • Easier bug localization in large, complex systems
  • The team can choose between top-down, bottom-up, and other methods for adding new modules
  • It’s possible to prioritize certain components when necessary
  • Testing can start before all components are complete

Big Bang Integration Testing

When the development of all components is complete, we integrate them en masse and test the communication in the resulting system. The approach makes it possible to:

  • Save testing time on smaller projects with a relatively low number of modules
  • Uncover more errors early in the testing process
  • Save resources, as there’s usually no need for mock programs like drivers and stubs

Verticals and Domains

Our Tools

During integration testing, we utilize tools that best reflect the challenges and objectives of your project. Some of the technologies we routinely use include:

Browser DevTools • JSON Viewer • XML Viewer • Fiddler • Postman • Swagger UI • Charles Proxy • SoapUI • Xray

Let’s Talk About Your Testing Needs

There is no wrong time to start the discussion. Whatever the project stage you’re currently in, let our QA team help you design the most time- and cost-effective testing approach to reach your goals.