End-to-End Testing Services

During development, every software product goes through multiple functional and performance tests. However, it is not enough to make a user’s entire journey through the application trouble-free. This is where end-to-end testing, or E2E testing, comes into play.

Within the E2E approach, our QA and testing teams use test scenarios that simulate real user behavior and involve all integrated components such as interfaces, databases, network, external systems, and other applications.

Our Techniques

We use a range of tried-and-true techniques in end-to-end test design and execution, including the following:

Equivalence partitioning

The technique involves dividing test conditions into partitions with an assump­tion that the system will treat all conditions in one partition equally. This enables us to use just one condition to represent each class and save testing time.

Pairwise testing

In Pairwise Independent Combinatorial Testing (PICT), test cases are designed to execute all possible discrete combinations of each pair of input parameters. We use it to optimize test coverage and effectiveness in applications with multiple parameters.

Cause and effect graphs

A cause and effect graph is used to visualize the relationship between an existing problem and the factors that contribute to it. Our team employs such graphs to determine the root cause and brainstorm solutions to a particular software defect.

Decision table testing

The number of input combinations for complex business rules can be too high to reasonably cover with tests. To save time and effort, we fill out a decision table and use a small subset of combinations crucial for passing the test.

Boundary value analysis

In tandem with equivalence partitioning, this approach checks the system’s reaction to typical values, maximum and minimum valid values, above/below boundary values, and invalid values. As a result, the number of test cases can be reduced without impairing quality.

Exploratory testing, error guessing

The exploratory approach requires critical thinking and domain knowledge for testing that doesn’t follow strict procedures. Error guessing is used to estimate potential weak links and write test cases focused on vulnerabilities that go undetected in formal testing.

State-transition testing

We examine the system’s reaction to sequences of input conditions where the same input can cause a different output depending on previous actions. The technique allows testers to write effective test cases and cover a greater range of system states.

Your Benefits

End-to-end testing is essential for modern software that commonly incorporates mul­tiple subsystems and enables complex user scenarios. Using the E2E approach lets you:

  • Verify and inspect real-world behavior of your application
  • Increase test coverage to rule out any bugs that slipped under the radar in earlier testing
  • Detect problems in communication with third-party systems
  • Easily determine how a failed test would impact the user

Why Do End-to-End Testing With Us

Flexible Engagement

Whether you choose to entrust all development to Global Software & Consultants or employ the quality assurance team as a dedicated unit, we mold our service to your project’s time and budget constraints to make sure you get the desired outcome.

24/7 Testing Effort Visibility

As our client, you can enjoy round-the-clock visibility into all QA activities on your project. We also provide detailed sign-off reports at the end of every testing stage to give your company’s stakeholders valuable insight regarding the overall progress.

Quality Guarantee

We base our client relationships on trust and responsibility. Following this policy, we provide a 6-month warranty period in every contract to fix any major or critical defects discovered after the project is delivered.

Enterprise-Grade Systems Experience

Our QA and testing specialists have ensured the quality of delivery on do­zens of large-scale projects — from SaaS solutions to eCommerce platforms — laden with complex business logic and multiple third-party integrations.

Our Tools

Our choice of techs for end-to-end testing will depend heavily on the nature of your project. Here are some of the tools we generally use:

Browser DevTools • JSON Viewer • VirtualBox • SQL Server Management Studio • Selenium IDE • QuerySurge • pgAdmin • Robo 3T • RabbitMQ • Xray • PICT

Trust an Expert

Want to make sure every component of your solution delivers in real-life conditions? Reach out to our end-to-end testing professionals to discuss the best ways of ensuring faultless data flow across your entire system.